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July 24th., 1937.

Dear Carl:

I am in receipt of your good lines of July 22nd., from Bale, and am sending you herein, copy of the letter I am writing to the Neupert Gallery in Zurich, which tells you the story.  I purposely didn't mention names such as Raphael and Antonello, but you will know what I am referring to.

The so-called Raphael, from the information I got, is supposed to have been recognized as such by Adolfo Venturi, Suida, Fiocco, Voss and Gluck.  The price mentioned is Swiss Fcs. 1,000,000.

The Antonello, as much as I understand, has not been recognized as such by anyone.

I shall try to see this Antonello myself in Milan, where I shall be around the 4th., and then you may have a chance to look at it also around the 15th., as you write.

I saw Roland yesterday and I surmise he is going to write to you not only about these two paintings but also about another matter which to me seems highly interesting.

With all good wishes for a pleasant stay and rest in St. Moritz, and asking you to kindly remember me to your dear wife, I am,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)

Charles R. Henschel, Esq.,
Kulm Hotel,
St. Moritz, Engadine,