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[[preprinted letterhead]]
Ambassade de France


REGENT 7-9700

New-York, November 2, 1951


Mr. Francis G. Mayer
235 East 50 Street
New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Mayer:

I am very happy that you are interested by the suggestion which I recently made to you and that you are willing to photograph the paintings exhibited at the Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh, providing, of course, that the lenders will give their permission to having the paintings photographed.

I have seldom seen such a fine exhibition and I cannot refrain from wishing that all America could have the pleasure of seeing it.  But since this must remain by and large the privilege of the people of Pittsburgh, I can only hope that it will be possible to have these photographs made, which we in turn would make available to the various schools and universities calling upon us for such material.

I am sure, moreover, that outside of the schools and universities there is a vast public which would like to acquire slides of these paintings so as to be able to frequently admire these magnificent paintings of which so many will no longer be available to the public at the closing of the exhibition.  If it is possible, nothing would please the public more than to know that these slides are among those in your collection designed to further appreciation of art masterpieces.

Sincerely yours,
René de Messières
Cultural Counselor to the French Embassy
