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^[[Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay]] 

Germain Seligmann  38
dealer in works of art  XXXXX  ^[[single]]  XXXXXXXXXXX

^[[wife of husband]] none
^[[children - ]]  none 

^[[birth place]]  Paris, France 
^[[allegiance to - ]] Republic of France 
^[[residence - ]]  23 rue de Constantine, Paris, France.
^[[Passport #]] 20,811   Republic of France 
^[[issued]]  May   19  1930  Paris, France 
^[[expires - ]]  May   18,  1932 

^[[arrived]] 22nd   October   31 
New York    SS "Ile de France" 

^[[admitted for temporary]] two ^[[month period]]
no ^[[extension]]        ---
^[[U.S. residence]] 3 East 51st Street, New York, N. Y. 

^[[Have ticket [[underline]] no [[/underline]] ]]