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Well, Bryant and his boy came and they had no sooner left than Mr. + Mrs. Ewing + children came.  Not such a lonely Sunday after all.  Ewing refused to stay (the big stiff) but his wife and children did and I rustled a good supper and we had a very nice evening.  Mrs. Ewing said she'd never come up because she heard me play at Mrs. Ladds and supposed I was a society lady and would have no use for her.  What do you think of that?  Didn't know anyone had such an exalted opinion of me.

 With all these folks coming all the news I'd planned to write has gone out of my system.  Everything is going along alright.  Sister's last vaccination "took" but I'm afraid I'll never get her into kindergarden.  Everyone is prepared for a big fight.
 The list of Steamer sailings that