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He acts like a lost soul without the Davises though he has visited them a number of times already. 
The letter from Patri[[?]] came at last but he said that he couldn't help me, very sorry of course, and as for his biography-he had none. [[underlined]] Thanks!![[/underlined]] 
Sister still fights shy of Grandma. The other night I took the boy to a movie and for the first time in her life she cried bitterly when I left. It was only six thirty and she said, "oh! put me to bed but don't leave me with Grandma." Isn't that awful? Perhaps it's [[strikeout]] phsycology [[/strikeout]] psychology. She is so close to me that [[strikeout]] pep [[/strikeout]] perhaps she unconsiously feels my feeling  of resentment. I hope not. And she's always sorry afterward too. She told Grandma later, "I dont know what makes me so bad." And saucy, oh! my! When ever she acts contrary to my wishes she simply says "Well, I changed my mind."