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very astonishing will appear in it. 
Mr. Bryant this morning told me of the cable gram that he received from you, to the effect that you ^were marooned as it were on the Falklands. Well, my only hope is that you have good comfortable quarters and plenty of collecting materials with you - in which case we will [[/strikethrough]] hope for a complete haul of the fauna of the Islands. The shipment from San Fernandez came ok and I was very much pleased with the Amphipod catch - Hope you will do as well at the Falklands. Stebbing worked up the Falkland Amphipods so they should not be so difficult. 
Got in recently a nice lot of crustacea from Hugh Smith - some beautiful big Stomatopods amongst them, and a fine lot of shrimp. I am sorry that the shrimp have not been acting up well