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3)[[underlined]]Ore deposits in the Sierras of Cordoba and San Luis.[[underlined]]

Ocurring in gneiss, schists and greywackes of uncertain age. Gold, silver, lead, zink, wolfram, vanadine, antimone, iron mines. A complet collection with all associated minerals and wallrocks, containing handsome crystalls of descloizite, brackebuschite, vanadinite, stiblite, wolframite, scheelite, cuproscheelite, cuprotungstite, psittacinite, triplite, gold-bearing limonite, pyrite and chalcopyrite, azurite, malachite, chrysocolla, zinnvaldite, Iceland double-refracting spar, etc.

185 samples from 25 mines and of size 12 x 16 cm. for $ oro 344
160    "      "  22   "    "   "   "   9 x 12  "   "  "  "  258
103    "      "  18   "    "   "   "   9 x 12  "   "  "  "  144
223    "      "  28   "    "   "   "   7 x  9  "   "  "  "  240
203    "      "  32   "    "   "   "   7 x  9  "   "  "  "  220

The ocurrence of these deposits was described in 1905 in the: Anales del Ministerio de Agricultura de la República Argentina, Sección Geología, Tomo I, N. 2: La Sierra de Córdoba, Constitución geológica, productos minerales de aplicación. Por el Dr. Guillermo Bodenbender. 
In the same Anales: Tomo 10, N. 2: Constitución geológica, hidrogeológia y minerales de aplicación de la provincia de San Luis. Por el Dr. E. Gerth.
In the same Anales, Boletín N. 12, Series B, Geología: Los yacimientos de los minerales de wolfram en la República Argentina. Por el Dr. r. Beder, 1916.

4) [[underlined]] Ore deposits of the Sierra de Famatina and Sierra de Umango.[[underlined]]

Contact metamorphic deposits in rocks of Palaezoic age (Cambrian or Silurian) in connection with intrusions of dacites and andesites. 
Copper, silver, gold, lead, zinc, iron mines. 
A complet collection of all ocurring minerals, wallrocks, smelting products, slags, etc. containing very remarkable samples of famatinite, luzonite, enargite, umangite, eucairite, pyrargirite, argentite, proustite, embolite, native silver, gold-bearing pyrite in cristalls, gold-bearing chalcopyrite, gold bearing conglomerates, calamine, etc.

208 samples from 22 mines and of size 10 x 13 up to 12 x 15 cm. for $ oro 670
140   "       "  18   "    "   "   "  11 x 14  "  " 12 x 16  "   "  "  "  555
85    "       "  20   "    "   "   "  10 x 12                "   "  " " 
61    "       "  18   "    "   "   "  10 x 12                "   "  "  " 206
89    "       "  15   "    "   "   "   8 x 10                "   "  "  " 170
65    "       "  16   "    "   "   "   7 x  9                "   "  "  " 122
61    "       "  15   "    "   "   "   7 x  9                "   "  "  " 106

These ore deposits are described by Dr. Bodenbender in the: Anales del Ministerio de Agricultura de la República Argentina, Sección Geología, Tomo 7, N. 3: Parte meridional de la provincia de la Rioja y regiones limítrofes, constitución geológica y productos minerales.