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And I nearly cut the top of one of my fingers aft trying to fix the toilet. I can't possibly practice for two weeks. But I fixed the toilet just the same!

Wetmore has gone to Haiti for three months. Dr. Dall died last week. You better hurry home before Stegneger goes too!

The boy is doing well at school but all the daily work has very little to say now a days. Everything depends on the result of the semi annual tests. I've had lots of trouble though with boys fighting. He seems to have gotten an inferiority complex and feels he can't lick the other fellow. I've been most desperate at times. It got so bad I had to go to a couple of parents. But as soon as one situation clears up another comes, so I told him I would [[underlined]]not[[/underlined]] go to any more parents. The big thing worrying him is that if he licks one fellow a whole gang will