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quite correct. I received a curt note from the Takoma Park bank saying that since I had failed to make payment on that lot for the [[underlined]]past six months[underlined]] they would have to take legal action against me as Mr. Lohr used that note to [[strikethrough]] borry [[/strikethrough]] borrow money from them. I rushed down with my receipts and Ben Davis was most apologetic but said that Lohr had not turned the money in and that I must pay at the bank direct in the future.

We called at Barrows this afternoon. The place is beautiful. The living room is simply a dream. You'd never know it for the same house. 

I sent the bank a draft about two weeks ago. 

I still have trouble with my stomach - don't sleep well either. 

You needn't worry about my book club paper. I'm [[underlined]] perfectly[[/underlined]] capable of doing it! Its Forbes Robertson's "A Player under three Reigns. I don't know