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flew into the house and he finally wandered off. My concience bothers me about the Rathburn funeral but I have a paper to deliver at the book club to-day and I'd have to keep sister out of school. If I don't get into the worst fixes! Maybe I'll try to do it. Have forty five minutes, but you can go thirty miles on sixtienth street now so good bye. You needn't worry about [[underlined]]me[[/underlined]] getting fat! Alvina [[end page]] [[start page]] Nov.23, 1926 Dear Waldo, Mr. Shoemaker just called me up and told me that Miss Rathburn's sister is being buried to-day in exactly one hour from now. I didn't know a thing about it. I never have time to read the newspapers anymore. I think he might have let me know last night. I managed to get flowers sent but I cant possibly get to the funeral.
Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 (17 Aug 2017): "anymore" was actually written as two words in the original document. Also, date was at the top right corner.