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[[Date stamped right margin, mid-page:]]
OCT 22, 1924 

Burpee's Self-Pruning Tomato

My experience in raising the Self-Pruning tomato is discovering a plant that is a happy medium between the dwarf and tall growing varieties, producing numerous fruit bearing laterals without being pruned. It is an extremely thrifty plant, (withstanding the blight when other varieties succumb) and bearing in profusion uniform globe-shaped, firm, meaty tomatoes which are especially desirable to serve as individual salad fruits; to preserve whole; or slice, besides canning in the usual way. 
This tomato is admirable for canning for, unlike the majority of varieties, it ripens perfectly from the blossom end to the stem, thereby avoiding the objectionable pithy, unripened portion which must be destroyed. 
It's pinkish-red skin is firm enough to endure shipping, therefore this variety is a superior marketable fruit and the mild, sweet flavor is unsurpassed. A plant bears continually from July until killed by frost, when it is full of unripened fruit and blossoms.
I can discover no reason why this variety of tomato should not lead all