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810 Avon St.,
Akron, Ohio,
October 20, 1924.

W. Atlee Burpee Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.


Up to within the past few days, BURPEE'S NEW SELF-PRUNING TOMATO has been bearing fine, round fruit, smooth and free from disease. The plants have stood the drought of summer in fine condition, have resisted all disease, and borne exceedingly well.

In this part of the state we have had an unusually hard season for tomatoes. The spring was late, cold and damp. The summer was also cold and the result was that they did not mature as well as under ordinary circumstances. But I was surprised to see that the SELF-PRUNING tomato produced more fruit and resisted all disease and was generally more satisfactory than some of the old stand-bys.

Yours truly,

^[Harry E. Reed]
Harry E. Reed

Entered for prize in contest.

[[stamped]] Nov (?) 1924 [[/stamped]]