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[[stamped]] SEP 1 - 1925 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest.
W. Atlee Burpee Co.,

Benson, Minn.,
Aug 28 [[underlined]]th [[underlined]] 1925.

In Pennsylvania I learned to know "Seeds that Grow". Thence Minnesota, thence South Dakota, thence back to Minnesota.

In each new place "Seeds that Grow" had won fame ere we got there.

Three soils, three climates, with no change in results. Repeatedly did we try out products with but one result; Burpee's Seeds an easy victor. Frost, Hail, Flood and Drouth made this season a record failure. Still Burpee's Seeds gave a substantial return, others producing little or nothing.

To win such a verdict from a critical public must be a supreme satisfaction to you. Your work has produced a priceless safeguard to those who till the soil.

[[DsbHume ??]],
Benson Minn,

Transcription Notes:
The number 1379 is noted in the upper right corner The date SEP 1- 1925 is stamped in red ink upside down mid-page.