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[[stamped]] AUG 17 1925 [[/stamped]]

[[double underlined]]For Prize Contest[[/double underlined]]

AUG 17 1925

[[underlined]]"Seeds That Grow"[[/underlined]]"

'Tis well indeed for all to know
That Burpee's seeds are "seeds that grow".
It's true this year the same as last,
They sprout so quick and grow so fast.

This too I'll say because I've found,
If planted well in mellow ground,
That Burpee's seeds when they mature,
Are big and strong, with fruitage sure.

Still further truth there is to see
Of Burpee's seeds, for you and me!
For true to name they're always found,
And thus again their great renown.

The sequel is for all to know,-
Buy Burpee's seeds, the "seeds that grow".

August 1925

Fred L. Page
Montrose, Penna.