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[[stamped]] AUG 21 1925 [[/stamped]]
[[stamped]] AUG 21 1925 [[/stamped]]

Longmont, Colorado. 
August 17th, 1925.

W. Atlee Burpee Seed Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.


Enclosed herewith please find letter, which I wish to enter in the which I wish to enter in the prize contest. There is so much that might be said about our garden this year, I found it quite hard to confine myself to the 100 word limit.

The figure 4.73 was taken from data obtained from the experimental station of The Great Western Sugar Company here. June and July have proven to be unusually wet months, so that we are now only about 1 1/2 inches short on the year's rainfall to date. These heavy rains have been accompanied by quite a bit of hail, which did a great deal of damage.

It may be of interest to you to learn that we raised quite a nice stand of your extra fancy sweet peas, and the President Hardings, Electrics, and Radiants have been double-- carrying two or three blossoms to the stem. We are wondering if this condition is due to this "off" season.
We also planted the free sample of blue love-in-the-mist, for which we thank you.

Very truly yours,
[[signed]] Mrs. A. J. Bonner [[/signed]] 

Mrs. A. J. Bonner,
824 Kimbark St.