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Spokane, Wash   
Aug 6, 1924

[[double underline]] For Prize Contest [[/double underline]]

What Burpee's Seeds Have Done For Me.

Burpee's seeds have been influential in my life in that they have established for me a hobby, which is both entertaining and profitable.

At the beginning of the World War, we thought that if we could have our own garden we could aid our country and ourselves in the question of food.  The first year we experimented with vegetables, which proved to be more expensive than the ones we could buy.  We found we were using valuable city lots for vegetables which should be grown in fields.  We had especially nice sweet peas, and people passing sometimes asked to buy.  This was our start, as to seeds, we were told to buy Burpee's as they were the best, and sent our first order for enough seed to plant 50

^[[Ans 8/26/24]]