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^[[Ans 8/26/24]]
[[stamped]] AUG 14 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest. 
What Burpee's Seeds Have Done For Me.

The love of flowers and growing things is one the the traits which mark the democracy of the human family.  A garden hobby is a good thing to have, for it opens such a wide field of thought and study of the members of that great household, the garden.

There are so many rare treasures to be found in a garden to him who has eyes to see.  One never gets to the end of daily surprises in the fields of sight, scent and hearing.  There are so many things to learn about birds, insects, animals, trees, weather and plant lore in the daily garden work.

Happiest of all the memories of my Burpee gardens which I have planted in several towns in Idaho, Washington and Oregon during the last fifteen years are the friendships with delightful and interesting people who have stopped to talk to me as I worked among the flowers and vegetables.  These friendships have brought me a new and better interest and that daily inspiration which made me forget the drab humdrum of life.