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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
[[stamped]]Aug 13 1924[[/stamped]]

[[double underline]] For Prize Contest. 
"What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me."[[/double underline]] 

When death took from me my baby girl, just budding into all the wonder and sweetness of two years, I could not work in the house, where I kept listening for the patter of little foot-steps - only to remember, that never in this life, would I ever hear them again. 

I bought seeds from Burpee's to make a garden. Somehow, it seemed, as I prepared soil with God's sunshine caressing and enfolding me, and later, watched the seeds spring into life and grow to beautiful maturity, that a sort of peace stole over me, and new hope and life, emerged, like the flowers, from the empty place in my heart. 

I became acquainted with new flowers; and the ones I already knew, surprised me with unusual beauty, and size. The seeds brought forth hundreds of plants, which produced hosts of flowers from spring until frost. Over two hundred bouquets went out that first Summer to hospitals and homes. In bringing cheer to others, my own burden lessoned, good health returned, and I was able to "carry on" cheerfully, the work I had to do. All this, and more, Burpee's seeds have done for me. 

Transcription Notes:
"lessoned" is misspelled - it should be "lessened" - but transcribed as written.