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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
[[stamped]]AUG 15 1924[[/stamped]]

Ansonia O
Aug 13, 1924

W Atlee Burpee Co-


Burpee's seeds have given me both pleasure and profit

As a tobacco grower it certainly was a pleasure to watch the growth of strong, thrifty plants from sowing the seed until maturity and hear the compliments of tobacco buyers and friends -

As to profits, during 1921 and 1922 I raised an average of 1,000 lbs per acre.

In 1923 I bought your Lancaster County Broadleaf seed at 60ยข per lb., sowed half of it, sold $9.00 worth of plants, planted 5 1/2 acres which yielded 1620 lbs per acre. A gain of 620 lbs per acre.