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^[[Ans. 8/28/24]]
[[stamped]] AUG 15 1924 [[/stamped]]

"For Prize Contest"

What Burpee's Seed Have Done for Me.

Among my earliest recollections was the garden in my father's southern home. Almost as early as the recollections of that garden was Burpee's catalog from which my father ordered "seeds that grow". Well do I remember the pleasure it gave me when I was allowed to order my first package of seeds.

Each year I had an increased share in that garden. I did not know then why my father took such infinite pain to explain to me the ways of nature. Later, many lessons of life he taught me, illustrating them by examples from plant life that I understood, through watching a seed germinate, grow, pollinate, and finally produce other seeds.

Since leaving that home in Georgia, I have lived from Maine to Panama. Burpee's seeds have grown for me many years in many places. Through them I was taught the childhood lessons of the wonders of life; through them I obtained wholesome knowledge and a true prospective of life. They have opened up to me a world of pleasure which many people deny themselves, they have added to my enjoyment by giving me a hobby which has afforded rest and recreation.

[[signed]] W.W. Irvine [[/signed]]
W.W. Irvine.
Fort Monroe, Virginia