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[[stamped]] JAN 17 1924 [[/stamped]]
[[circled]] 11 [[/circled]]
^[[Ans. 1/19/24]]

[[underline]] For Prize Contest [[/underline]]

Jan. 15, 1924.

W. Atlee Burpee Co.
Philadelphia Pa.

Dear Sir:-

In your Prize Contest announcement. you say to take time to think over-"What Burpee's Seeds Have Done For Me." I dont need time, the proof is in my cellar. Considering that this location suffered the dryest season in over 40 years and most of the gardens dried up, I was able to can (Cold-Pack) 436 cans of Vegetables and Fruits. My canned vegetables include- Peas, Beans, (Brittle Wax and Green Pod) Kohl-Rabi, Beats, Asparagras, Cauliflower, Corn, Tomatoes, Spinach, Lima Beans, Pickles (Fordhook Famous) Citron (Candied for Cakes) Pumpkin, Squash.

Our Root Crop stored away includes- Onions, Carrots , Rutabagas, Potatoes. Our garden still holds our Parsnips and Oyster Plants for early spring fresh vegetables. A week ago, on Jan 7th we ate our last fresh tomatoes, which I had stored away green last October, in a dry cool place and which rippened and kept us in fresh tomatoes right along. A farmer passing last summer asked how we were able to keep our garden looking so well, he said-"Nobody else around here can do it this year." All we could say was-Burpee's Seeds and frequent cultivation.

Most Sincerely
Mrs. Geo. A. Peters,
R.F.D. New Hamburgh,
New York.