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[[circled]] 152 [[/circled]] For Prize Contest On What Burpees Seeds Have Done for Me. I comenced to buy Burpees seed at gratis Ohio in the year of 1876 or 1877 after wards moving to union City Yard & have bought every year but one making 36 or 37 years continued use of Burpees seeds. At first watching the crops develop to see if they were true to name & discreption to find that in every instance they were true to name & never failed to grow. and as the years roled by I gained the confidence in seeds that I purched from Burpee that I could rest ashured that weather condition & cultivation was all that was Nissary to in shure good crops. The name of Burpees seeds inspires in me in this time of world distrust that there is still som honest firms & some people that on can trust & be shure of fair & honest treetment & W Atly Burpee & Co is one that I have ever confidence and respect, Charles Read R. R. 4 Union City Ind.