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[[circled]] ^[[232]] [[/circled]] [[stamped]] MAR 8 1924 [[/stamped]] [[circled]] March 3d [[/circled]] For Prize Contest. Burpee's seeds have played a big part in feeding, clothing and educating our children. Husband and I have used them for 24 years, and always get a perfect stand of the best grade vegetables, which bring the highest prices. 1920, March 4th we planted 45 cents worth of Burpee's radish seeds, thinly sowed in drills 5 inches apart. March 29th sold the first, and from those seeds, sold $12.10 worth. We have fresh vegetables from March until frost kills our garden in fall, then we go to our cellar and get plenty that we have stored to do until spring comes again. We got first prize at our county fair for 3 years for best exibit. We labled our vegetables, "Grown from Burpee's seeds." We delight in advertising his seeds, for they have done so much for us. Many sick, and old people are made glad with my flowers grown