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[[circled]] ^[[237]] [[/circled]] ^[[4 H]] [[stamped]]BUR 03.85 141853 MAR 1 1924[[/stamped]] Fowler, Montana February 18th 24. For Prize Contest. The Burpee seeds have done more for me than it is possible to state in this short narrative. Living, as I do in the extreme north, in a scurvy arid country with high winds and a short growing season I nevertheless got a garden that is a pleasure to look at and better then that in the wonderful crops it produces From 20 cts of Tomato seeds I raized 32 bushels of very fine Tomatoes, 20 cts of Muskmelon seeds yealded 385 splendidly flavored Melons, the largest Cauliflower weighed 6 3/4# and the Onion crop from three packages of seeds netted 9 bushels of as fine Onions as you ever tasted, this are a few facts absolutely truthfull and are written merely to show what seeds of the right Kind will do. Starting with the average common seeds some thirteen years ago I nearly gave up raising garden truck, until I got some of the [[underline]]seeds that grow[[/underline]] and behold the result, surpassing the Anderson Fairy Tales. For many miles the settlers came to view my wonderfull garden of vegetables and also a few beautifull Flowers including your glorious Sweet Peas. Charles Josten Fowler, Montana [[stamped]] OVER [[/stamped]]