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[[stamped]] MAR 10 1924 [[/stamped]]

(Miss) Patricia M. Nolen
Constableville, N.Y.

"What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me"

It was a little collection of Burpee's flower seeds, given to me seven years ago, when I arrived in the country one May morning, that made a complete change in my life. My love of flowers made life in the country so pleasant for me.

I left the city at the age of twelve to make my future home in the country. Some people might think – "how lonely – not for me. My friends with whom I came to stay, lived on a farm had a nice large vegetable garden and flowers about the yard and in the garden. Their seeds were ordered every year from Burpee's.

I have lived in the country now these seven years, I love the country – I have many pretty