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[[stamped]] JUL 29 1924 [[/stamped]]


[[numbers are a running total of words]]

Just from my hoe and feeling better,  7
My Atlee Dear, anf hence this letter,  14
Which comes to tell you canddily,  20
What Burpee's gems have done for me.  27

By working mornings 'mid my shrubs,  33
I'm now immune from mollygrubs,  38
While Tonics in the evening air  44
Soon dissipate all pesky care;  49
Then your fresh vegitables, you see,  55
Tune up my liver splendidly;  60
While far beyond my fondest hopes,  66
Your peas and beans and canteloupes,  72
And sugar corn and watermelon,77
And red tomatoes by the galon,  83
And crisp asparagus, so good--  88
Such Menus cool and cleanse my blood.  95
Besides, they're cheap, and cut by half  102
High cost of living, till I laugh  110
At Profiteers; and then I sell  115
The overplus-- and prosper well.  121

Likewise, 'tis wholesome to be able  127
With flowers to glorify our Table--  133
Sweet peas, pinks,roses charm all moods,  140
Assisting to digest our foods,  145
Their smiles uplifting heart of mine  153
From Nature up to Hand Divine.  157

All hail, Burpee, so sure to please,  164
Because he proudly guarantees  168
His seeds to sprout and never halt--  174
So, if they fail, it's our own fault.  182
Then plant, eat, thrive -- remembering, Dear,  188
That Adam was a Gardener.  193

Rev. L.P. Bowen,
Berlin, Maryland.

(My signature can be cut off if necessary