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^[[encircled]] 3827 [[/encircled]]
[[stamped]] AUG-1 1924 [[/stamped]]

Sent in by, Ella Brown
47, second, Ave Newark N.J

What Burpees seeds have done for me

In a [[underline]] speritual [[/underline]] and [[underline]] finantual [[/underline]] way I have been greatly helped by Burpee's seeds.

In my garden which is only a city yard I have almost every kind of garden flower that I grew from Burpee's seeds.

I get [[underline]] great comfort [[/underline]] and [[underline]] speritual [[/underline]] up lift from planting the tiny seeds and watching them push through the earth stretch their little arms Heaven-ward^[[,]] and begin the struggle to repay me for the time and care I give them with beautifull fragrent blossems. I can get nearer to God in this way than any other and inn a measure I think I make others feel the same thing.

The flowers I gather on Sunday morning I send to church to be placed on the pulpit in turn they are sent to the sick people of the church.

I also through the week send hugh boquets to the home for crippled children^[[,]] and also to the home for the incurebal s . It is impossible to discribe the [[underline]] pleasure [[/underline]] and[[underline]] satisfaction [[/underline]] I get from seeing those poore little cripples and old hopelesly sick old people enjoy my flowers, made possible by Burpee's seeds.

In winter I use bulbs I grow them in pots in my sunny windows and distribute them in the same manner.

Last year I [[underline]] paid my taxes with the money [[/underline]] that I received from selling my Peonies to a florest . all this [[underline]] happiness [[/underline]] and [[underline]] financial [[/underline]] aid I receiv^[[ed]] from my Burpee products.