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[[stamped]] AUG 4 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest

Words are poor weak things to tell of all that Burpee's Seeds have done for me.

My gardening, until I came to know "The House of Burpee, had been very uncertain.  The seeds I planted did not always come up.  All that is changed now. I can plant Burpee's Seeds with perfect confidence for they ALWAYS GROW.

Burpee's Seeds have led me out into the fresh air, into the life-giving sunshine.  Like the wings of a bird, they have lifted me up!  They have opened the Gates of Eternity for me!  They have rounded out my life!

Burpee's Seeds have fed my soul and brought me faith; they have fed my eyes and brought me beauty; they have fed my heart and brought me love; they have fed my body and brought me health; than which there are no greater blessings on this earth.

Indeed by the help of food, raised from Burpee's Seeds the chemistry of my body has literally been changed from an illness like unto death to a health that is nigh unto Heaven in its joys and in its glorious possibilities.

Burpee's Seeds have been my salvation, physically and mentally!  They have worked miracles for me!

Murlie Burns Wike

Springfield, Ohio,
R. D. 1.

August 1st 1924.