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[[stamped]] Aug -4 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest.
What Burpee's Seeds have done for me.

United States Post Office

East St. Louis, Ill. Aug. 1, 1924.

W. Atlee Burpee Seed Growers.
Philadelphia, Pa.


I derived both pleasure and profit from planting Burpee's seeds.  I have been gardening for years.  This yearI had the best vegetables and the most beautiful flowers I ever grew.

The pleasure derived, is having  fresh, crisp, just-picked, succulent vegetables every day for your table, vegetables with a flavor you never get in the stale stuff your grocer furnishes you.

Furthermore there is a keen satisfaction in watching the quick, sturdy, steady growth that Burpee's Seeds bring forth, your gardening becomes as fascinating as a game.

Planting Burpee's Seeds taught me a valuable lesson, that is,that it does not pay to buy garden seeds from the corner grocery store.  I also learned not to be content with just [[underlined]] good seeds. [[/underlined]]  Get the best [[underlined]] from Burpees [[/underlined]].  Their seeds possess [[underlined]] Purity [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] High Germinating Power--Life. [[/underlined]]

I Was satisfied with results from all yoru seeds, my wonderful garden and beautiful flowers gave [[^me]] an opportunity to sell my real estate at a [[underlined]] Profit.[[/underlined]]

The old proverb, as you sow, so shall you reap, is more pronounced than ever, from [[underlined]] good seeds only [[/underlined]], can [[underlined]] good crops [[/underlined]] be grown.

I found Burpee's Seeds [[underlined]] Brimful of Life [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Growing Power [[/underlined]], that makes gardening a [[underlined]] Profitable Pleasure [[/underlined]]

Very respectfully,
[[signed]] C. E. York [[/signed]]
Clerk Money Order Dept. P. C.

Residence 615 North 32,
East St. Louis, Ill