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[[stamped]] AUG -8 1924 [[/stamped]]



W. Atlee Burpee Company
Philadelphia, Pa


Burpee's Seeds have made my garden a beauty spot in a desert, for I live high up in the Rocky Mountains where sagebrush and greasewood grow rampant and the only trees have been transplanted from the distant forest. A lawn is the result of much patience and hard labor.

The flowers I have grown from Burpee's Seeds in this high attitude (seven thousand feet above sea level) are of very brilliant coloring and I have never seen such large sweet peas nor as fragrant.

We have three months of summer, planting being done in May, and by the first of August flowers are blooming profusely. Snow is not unusual in June so gardening is done under difficulties. 
I get so much pleasure out of my short season garden that I look forward to the time when planting can be done and I eagerly watch each little plant mature.

My flowers also carry joy to the poor unfortunates in our little hospital as I always have enough to spare for them.

Each year I shall plant Burpee's Seeds and continue to be an enthusiastic Burpee Gardener.

Very truly yours,
[[signed]] Mrs. Maurice J. Goldberg [[/signed]]

Kemmerer, Wyoming 
August 4th, 1924