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[[stamped]] AUG-8 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest
What Burpee's Seeds Have Done For Me.

I first used Burpee's Seeds many years ago, when even under unfavorable conditions they gave such splendid returns that they secured for me a position which I have held for thirteen years. During this time I have had an opportunity of seing what Burpee's Seeds can do under the best possible conditions.

From your Sunflower Seed I grew a plant 18', 1" high, the diameter of the flower being 17". At the time this was claimed to be the biggest sunflower in Canada.

At exhibitions I have had unfailing success. Last year against dozens of competitors I captured nearly every prize offered for squash, securing four firsts and one second prize for five exhibits. The squash taken from a bed 17' x 4' weighed 650 pounds.

Your Snapdragon Seed yields plants 3' high. Zinnia blooms have reached 7" in diameter. Your Sweet pea seed has been unfailing, five or six blooms on a stalk being common and seven not rare.

Burpee's Seeds have brought me financial gain, the satisfaction of producing perfect plants, health and happiness, with the prospect of a bright old age: