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August 5th 1924 

Cecilia M. Auge
Mendota, Minn
R.I. Box 126

"For Prize Contest"

I am a 19 year old farmerette and I will tell you "What Burpee's seeds have done for me."

For the last two seasons I purchased from you 1 1/2 lbs of onion seeds and planted these for my spending money , father gave ,e the land for helping him weed his onions.

The first season I cleared $80. and last year $1.60 and I purchased a Incubator and full blooded eggs (I now have 65 buff Orpington Chickens) also most of my clothes and all of my spending money has come from this source, and i still have $1.12 bank account in the 'Mendota State Bank."

I feel that I not only have derived profit but have also learned to do business with the bank and other business firms.

Some my age I know are richer financially but the knowledge I have gained and being able to be out close to nature "where the hand of God is seen", has I am sure made me a better more contented, home loving girl than I ever could of been if I didn't have something all my own to work and for.

"written By"
Cecilia M. Auge
Bx 126 R 1.
Mendota, Minnesota.