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^[[Ans 8/25/24]]
[[stamped]] AUG 14 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest

810 Avon St.,
Akron, Ohio,
August 11, 1924

W. Atlee Burpee Company,
Philadelphia, Pa.


The year round Burpee's seeds minister to me, my wife, my children, my neighbors, and friends. Romping on "Terrace Sod" my children reap health and happiness, which redound to their credit in school room and elsewhere. Mother leaves her sweeping and sewing, communes with Nature in the flower garden and returns to her tasks with quick-ened step and lightened heart. Storm-tossed by the per-plexities of the day, I eagerly seek haven in the garden to gather renewed strength and inspiration for the morrow.

Together we sow and how, harvest and store, and dis-cuss the virtues of a tomato or the beauties of a sweet pea. In common we enjoy the rich living the garden af-fords and find genuine pleasure in sharing its treasures with others. As we consider the flowering and fruiting of plant and vine, we are listed above the shadows of the valley to the hill-tops of life and are brought into close relationship with our Creator.

Naturally, under such conditions, we are on friendly terms with our neighbors; our family [[strikethrough]]life[[/strikethrough ^[[circle]] is a delight, with our children all at home; we enjoy splendid health and find life most decidedly worth living 

(197 words)

Yours truly,

[[signature]]Harry E. Reed[[/signature]]