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For the Liberator. 


The Savannah Republican gives an account of a slave who secreted himself on board a British barque, bound to Liverpool, but being discovered as the vessel was about proceeding to sea, he was put in irons by the Captain, and lodged in jail, to be restored to his master.--[[italicized]] Salem Register. [[/italicized]]

What! shall the curse of Slavery rest
Again on British land?
And shall the chain again be thrown
O'er British heart and hand?
And shall the 'blazing ægis' fall, 
Which long has shone on high
To injured Afric as the 'bow'
In Slavery's lowering sky?

Was it for this that WILBERFORCE
And CLARKSON spoke the word, 
More fearful in its holy might, 
Than MICHAEL'S flaming sword?
Was it for this that MARTYN prayed, 
And SHARPE and THORNTON toiled, 
And PITT and FOX with giant might, 
The stern oppressor foiled?

We deemed the British filled the cup
Of freedom to the brim;
We thought in Britain's isle the fire
On Moloch's shrine was dim;
We trusted none but 'freemen' bent
To haughty Southern lord,
And guarded Slavery's weak domain,
With bayonet and sword!

But, no--the cloud rests not alone
Upon our native land;
It throws its shadow o'er the sea,
Across the British strand; 
Its thunder-tone through British hearts
Thrill, fearful as the grave:
'Put forth the hand to crush and smite!
Send back the bleeding slave!'

And will the free-born Briton shrink
At Southern tyrant's frown,
And build again the bloody throne
His hands have once pulled down?
And will he for the tyrant's gold
His noble birthright sell--
The birthright which his fathers loved;
For which they fought so well?

No! by old Clapham's hallowed shades,
And by the swelling dome
That towers o'er WILBERFORCE'S grave,
And CHATHAM'S lofty tomb:--
No! by the hopes of future days,
By England's old renown,
By CLARKSON'S never-dying fame,
By MARTYN'S heavenly crown:--

The Briton will not bend the knee
To Moloch as of old;
He will not sell his birthright crown
For Southern tyrant's gold.
His 'blazing ægis' long shall shine; 
And 'neath 'that ample shade,
Shall Africa, redeemed from wrong, 
Adore his guardian aid.'  R.G.C.



This is the time of shadows and of flowers,
When roads gleam white for many a winding mile;
When gentle breezes fan the lazy hours,
And balmy rest o'erpays the time of toil;
When purple hues and shifting beams beguile
The tedious sameness of the heath-grown moor;
When the old grandsire sees with placid smile
The sunburnt children frolic round his door,
And trellised roses deck the cottage of the poor.

The time of pleasant evenings! when the moon
Riseth companioned by a single star,
And rivals e'en the brilliant summer noon,
In the clear radiance which she pours afar;
No stormy winds her hour of peace to mar,
Or stir the fleecy clouds which melt away
Beneath the wheels of her illumined car;
While many a river trembles in her ray,
And silver gleam the sands round many an ocean bay!

Oh then the heart lies hushed, afraid to beat,
In the deep absence of all other sound:
And home is sought with loth and lingering feet,
As though that shining tract of fairy ground,
Once left and lost, might never more be found!
And happy seems the life that gipsies lead,
Who make their rest where mossy banks abound,
In nooks where unplucked wild-flowers shed their seed,
A canvass-spreading tent the only roof they need!




When Freedom, on her natal day,
Within her war-rocked cradle lay,
An iron race around her stood,
Baptized her infant brow in blood,
And, through the storm which round her swept,
Their constant ward and watching kept.

Then where quiet herds repose,
The roar of baleful battle rose,
And brethren of a common tongue
To mortal strife as tigers sprung,
And every gift on Freedom's shrine
Was man for beast, and blood for wine!

Our fathers to their graves have gone!
Their strife is past--their triumph won:
But sterner trials wait the race
Which rises in their honored place--
A MORAL WARFARE with the crime
And folly of an evil time.

So let it be! In God's own might
We gird us for the coming fight,
And strong in Him whose cause is ours,
In conflict with unholy powers,
We grasp the weapons He has given,
To Light, and Truth, and Love of Heaven!


From the N.Y. Gazette.
[[Italics]] 'Where is thy brother?' [[/Italics]]

Think better of your-fellows, ye who dare
Stop the warm current of a human heart;
'Tis not to mark the death-damp of his fear
And mortal agony, when ye shall part
The soul from its strong tenement--not this--
Not this doth call them from their secret ways,
From haunts of crime, and nature's seats of bliss,
Toil-worn and travel-stained for many days:
No! even we, in chambers pent, like them,
Feel the wild anguish of a fellow's pang--
The pleading of a pulse, which ye condemn,
That calls us forth as if a bugle rang.
The wronger is the wronged, such impulse lies
In every human heart when [[Italics]] thus [[/Italics]] a brother dies.



My footsteps lead, O Truth! and mould my will,
In word and deed my duty to fulfil:
Dishonest arts to thee can ne'er belong--
No deed of mine shall be a deed of wrong.

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STIRLING, May 31, 1845.


As to my engagements for the summer, I did intend to spend it in the south of England; but I shall hardly be able to get out of the controversy in Scotland till fall.  As to coming home, I long to get home, but do not think I shall be able to get away in time in the fall, and I do not like to cross the ocean in winter.  Probably I shall stay till another summer.  As to Scotland and England, as a field of labor in non-resistance or anti-slavery, there are thousands here who are consecrating themselves to the service of man--whose souls are getting to be fully baptized into the spirit of Human Brotherhood--who are coming out fearlessly and nobly in opposition to the almost universally received dogma, in this kingdom and in Europe generally, that man is made to be an appendage to religious, political, and social institutions.  It is most melancholy to see how man is made an appendage to royalty, to aristocracy, to wealth, to titles, to priesthood, to sabbaths, to ceremonies, to church organizations.  MAN FOR INSTITUTIONS, is the watchword of Europe.  But there is a saving power in the people.  True it is, that there is a fearful increase of the real, permanent poverty and wretchedness of the people, in spite of the parade of public and private charity.  Nothing is more disgusting than this cry about charity.  Let the employers, let the government do justice, and the people will not need their charity.  I will venture a prophecy.  In the lapse of time, London, the present commercial capital of the world, will become a desolation.  Owls will hoot, satyrs dance, wild beasts burrow, in her palaces--[[Italics]] if England goes on in her present policy. [[/Italics]]  It cannot be otherwise; the industry of the nation is swallowed up by government taxes, and taxes to support the poor.  Some of these taxes are insufferable.  If a poor man, by industry and saving, has earned one hundred dollars, and he dies, and leaves that money to his widow and children, to feed and clothe them for a time, the government comes in and robs her of one tenth in a [[Italics]] direct [[/Italics]] tax, and before she can call it her own, she must pay twelve dollars at least in stamp duties and direct taxes; while a Marquis of Westminster may die, and leave millions of acres of landed property to his heir, and government lays no tax at all.  In this way, every thing is done to keep the people helpless and dependant.

There is a strong and growing feeling in this kingdom, that brute force--armies and navies, jails, penitentiaries, and houses of correction--are not the appropriate means to govern rational and immortal man.  There is rising up here, a party that has perfect sympathy with the Non-Resistance doctrine, that violence is not the way to govern men; and they assert the Christianity, the humanity and expediency of LOVE as a means of preventing wrong and enforcing right.  A world's history demonstrates the utter inefficiency of brute force in keeping peace in society--in obtaining and securing human rights.  But governments brutalize the people, and then 'kill, slay and destroy' them for acting like brutes.  By precept and example, all human governments teach the people to steal, rob and murder, and then imprison, transport, or hang them, for doing these deeds.  These views of brute force may be too ultra to be perceived and embraced by the public mind now, but they will assuredly one day become practical axioms for the world.  Men will see the huge folly and insanity of creating institutions for the good of men, and then butchering men to save the institutions.  They will see the folly of buying spectacles for the eyes, and then putting out the eyes to save the glasses--of making a hat for the head, and then cutting off the head to save the hat.  But such is the supreme folly and sheer madness of governments as at present organized and administered, and of the religion of Christendom as now taught by the slave-holding, war-making priests.

By the way, there is a good deal of exasperation here in Scotland at what I say in 'Six Months' about priests being hangmen.  These [[Italics]] go-betweens [[/Italics]]--between man and his God---like Cheever & Co., cling to the gallows as an instrument of government and revenge--of [[Italics]] their [[/Italics]] love and forgiveness to the guilty; but they themselves shrink from doing the hanging.  I do wish the people would insist on the priests doing the hanging, if they plead for this diabolical work.

The Maynooth Endowment is the all-absorbing topic.  The bill has passed the House of Commons, finally, by a majority of 130--Cobden and most of the Leaguers voting [[Italics]] in favor!!  [[/Italics]]  This is much talked of.  The Voluntaries are alive to the crisis, to push their [[Italics]] anti-endowment [[/Italics]] principle.  From all quarters, they are petitioning the Queen to dissolve parliament, and appeal to the people on this question.  Multitudes of those members who voted for the bill will be turned out.  McCauley's fate is sealed in Edinburgh, and probably Cobden's in Stockport.  In the mean time, Daniel O'Connell,--the real King of Ireland,--chuckles over the confusion in the ranks of his enemies.  They will make no more attempts to overawe him by swords and guns and prisons.  The fate of the Irish State Church is sealed--down she must come; and then English Episcopacy falls--then for universal suffrage--and then alas, for primogeniture!  H.C. WRIGHT.

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A public meeting was held in Lowell on Sunday, June 1st, at which PARKER PILLSBURY delivered the following speech, which we find in the 'Vox Populi,' an independent paper printed in that city.
Parker Pillsbury said this was a meeting on common ground, for the free interchange of thought and opinion.  This he regarded as the rightful privilege of every man and woman.  In what meeting-house in Lowell, asked he, can you enjoy this privilege?  Did you ever hear one of your ministers say, on opening his meeting, that he was going to preach certain doctrines, and if any one doubted, or did not understand, he was at liberty to object--to give his own views--to demand proof or explanation?  No such privilige is allowed you.  Myself and brother Foster assume to ourselves no privilige that we do not yield to the humblest individual.  He had been an orthodox minister--he learned to be a Priest at Andover, where they take apprentices to this trade.  Seven years ago, he expected to wear himself out in the work of preaching from pulpits dedicated to the worship of God; but his mind had changed.  That he had been an orthodox minister, was the most humiliating confession he ever was called upon to make.  He hoped that God would forgive him.  He had abandoned the pulpit and sectarian preaching, because he was unwilling to take the responsibility of arbiter between him and his God.  Every man must work out his own salvation.  Those who pin their faith on other people's skirts--who look to their minister rather than to God--are in great danger of being led astray.  So long as people are enslaved to the church so long will there exist other kinds of slavery.  The clergy seem to regard it as of more importance to contend for the clannish supremacy, for the promotion of creeds and dogmas in the church, than to loose the chains of slavery, and let the oppressed go free.  They were preaching and contending for the importance of [[italics]] Infant Baptism [[/italics]], while [[italics]] Infant Stealing [[/italics]] was being practised (unrebuked by the church,) in defiance of Heaven's laws and the rights of man.  A poor mother appeals to a pious priest to rescue her [[italics]] stolen babe [[/italics]], and she is answered with 'come up here into the House of God, and I'll preach you a sermon on the vast importance of [[italics]] Infant Baptism [[/italics].'

He had lately heard the Rev. Mr. Pinney, ex-governor of Liberia, now a Presbyterian minister in Philadelphia, in a public religious meeting, undertake to defend the system of slavery, contending that it was rather a [[italics]] blessing [[/italics]] to be desired than a [[italics]] curse [[/italics]] to be shunned.  Such a man, he thought, would like to convert [[italics]] Heaven into one grand slave plantation, with the angel Gabriel as superintendent [[/italics]], and some of the angels of lesser honor to superintend the [[italics]] whipping posts! [[/italics]]

The people of Lowell, intelligent as they are, are a community of [[italics]] idolators [[/italics]].  They have a greater rever-
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ence for the Sabbath--a peculiar reverence--some practical illustrations of which I saw to day, during a morning walk.  Passing in the neighborhood of one of your canals, I saw a gang of some fifteen men hard a work digging, &c., while their employers were probably preparing to attend church.  The well paid clergymen, who feel their dependance upon the employers of these Sabbath laborers, dare not open their mouths against this public violation.  The only difference between these canal workmen and the pulpit workmen is, the canal man gets one dollar for his Sunday's work, while the pulpit man gets [[italics]] twenty dollars [[/italics]] for his--a sufficient discrimination between [[italics]] sinners [[/italics]] and [[italics]] saints [[/italics]].  Yet these clergymen will look over and beyond this gang of men in the canal, and denounce this quiet meeting of ours as a [[italics]] violation of the Sabbath! [[/italics]]

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From the New-York Tribune.

The Louisville papers which reached us by yesterday's mail, brought the tidings of the death of General Jackson at the Hermitage, on Sunday evening, 8th instant, at the advanced age of seventy-eight years.  This occurrence, though long expected, will excite a deep sensation throughout the country.

We shower no indiscriminate, unmeaning eulogies on the departed.  For the iron energy of will, the inflexibility of purpose, the unshrinking courage of Gen. Jackson, we have all due respect.  We have ever esteemed a man who, whatever his faults, loved and sought to serve his country.  And yet, from the day when we first became acquainted with the facts respecting his memorable eruption into Florida, his capture of the Spanish posts, imprisonment of the authorities, and hanging of traders with the Indians, we have not doubted--how [[italics]] could [[/italics]] we?--that he was a man too rash, too reckless, too violent--too ready to stretch authority and arrogate power--to be safely entrusted with the responsibilities of exalted station.  The experience of our manhood has confirmed the impressions of early youth; and now, when we contemplate the wreck of the strongest bulwarks of Civil Liberty and National Faith which was caused by his refusal to sustain the Supreme Court's most rightful affirmance of the inviolability of the Cherokee territory in Georgia, and by his many kindred prostrations of judicial and legislative authority at the footstool of Executive power--when we shudder at the depravation of public morals and corruption of Popular Suffrage which have been created by his most wanton and unprovoked proscription of his political opponents throughout his presidential career--when we reflect on the long array of usurpations and acts of violence which marked his rule, and the terrible legacies of disorder, crime and calamity they have left to the present and future generations, we rejoice and are thankful that we never, never for one moment, aided or consented to his most unfortunate elevation--that we never ceased to exert in opposition to his policy all the little power we possessed, and that we were enabled to cast a ballot--not vainly for us, though, alas! ineffectually for the country!--against his re-election.

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[[italics]] Defences of the Atlantic Border. [[/italics]] --A general order has been issued from the War Department to mount the batteries of the various fortifications for the protection of the Atlantic coast.  We learn that the officers and troops at Fortress Monroe are actively engaged in executing the order.  The whole complement of guns--and among these are 42 pounders--for the fortification of this garrison amounts, we believe, to the number of nearly three hundred, constituting with the battery at Fort Calhoun, a weight of metal sufficient to resist any attempted invasion of the fleets of the most formidable European powers.  This is a precautionary measure of clear propriety.  Indeed the batteries should always be mounted.  It is very questionable, moreover, whether there is any saving in an economical point of view, in the course heretofore pursued by the Government.--[[italics]] Norfolk Beacon. [[/italics]]

[[italics]] Horses Poisoned.[[/italics]].--We learn that thirty-six horses belonging to Mr. Charles Whitson, of Yorkville, proprietor of the new line of omnibusses to that place, were poisoned early on Tuesday morning last, in consequence of drinking the water in the trough at the corner of 3d Avenue and 85th street, into which some villain had thrown a large quantity of arsenic.  Nine of the horses have died, and from appearances at least twelve of the remainder will expire.  Besides these, several horses, cows, and hogs, belonging to the neighborhood, have died, and others are in a critical condition.--[[italics]] N. Y. paper. [[/italics]]

Our old [[italics]] friend [[/italics]] Mr. Leavitt seems to have given the Liberty party and Mr. Birney over for a time, and to have gone into the subject of 'artificial incubation,' a science by which young chickens, ducks, and goslins are brought into this wicked world by steam power.  He has several long articles on this subject lately, 'with pictures to match.'  Persons in the chicken business ought to subscribe.--[[italics]] Lowell Journal. [[/italics]]

At Caledonia, Canada West, Mrs. Evans and her two children, the oldest a boy of three years, were struck by a tree which the unfortunate husband had just cut down.  The boy was cut in two with a limb; the mother's limbs were broken, and her recovery is doubtful; the babe, though hurt, will be saved.

Hon. Levi Woodbury appears to be generally looked to, through the eastern States, as the successor of Judge Story.  We trust that he may find favor with the appointing power, in case there is a vacancy.--[[italics]] Trenton (N.J.) Emporium. [[/italics]]

[Woodbury is said to be a [[italics]] nullifier [[/italics]], and holds, or did hold, to the doctrine, that [[italics]] a State Legislature may rightfully overrule a decision of the Supreme Court [[/italics]].  See his speech on Foote's Resolutions, in the U. S. Senate, in 1830.]

Geo. Wells, who recently shot Louis A. Hall, Teller of the River Raisin Bank, near Monroe, Mich., is the son of Rev. Mr. Wells, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Detroit, and now Chaplain at the military post of Prairie du Chien, W.T.   At the last advices, June 6, Mr. Hall was lingering in dreadful agony--having been twice shot, and but little hopes are entertained of his recovery.  Wells is arrested, and in safe confinement.

Our visitor, the Sicilian brig, did Boston the honor on Tuesday, to punish one of its men so that his cries were heard all over the harbor.  It is supposed to have been on account of a mistake in etiquette, by which the American flag was hoisted union down.--[[italics]] Boston Post. [[/italics]]

[[italics]] Flogging in the Navy. [[/italics]]--We rejoice to know that the present active head of the Navy Department has determined to discountenance, as far as he can under existing laws, the infliction of corporeal punishment for petty offences in the navy.--[[italics]] U.S. Journal. [[/italics]]

[[italics]] Shameful! [[/italics]]--The New-York Morning News, a pretended democratic paper, boasts that '[[italics]] negro suffrage will be abolished altogether [[/italics]]' by the Convention to be called for the purpose of amending the State Constitution ! and this is put forth as [[italics]] Democratic [[/italics]] policy!

The $300,000 capital stock of the Northampton and Greenfield (Mass.) Railroad is all taken, including $30,000 guarantied by individuals to make up the amount.  The work is to be commenced immediately.  This will complete a line of Railroad from New-Haven to Greenfield, nearly 100 miles.

At a meeting of the Board of Education at the State House, last week, Hon. Horace Mann was unanimously re-elected Secretary of the Board for the ensuing year.

The population of Augusta, Ga., numbers 7,511, of which 3452 are free white, 440 free colored, and 3119 slaves.

'[[italics]] The Traveler [[/italics]].'--A new steamer with this name has just been 'brought out,' and is for the present running to New-Haven on the day line.  We visited her last evening, and were quite smitten with her charms.  She is 240 feet long [here we wish to drop the figure,] 26 feet beam, has a 24 inch cylinder, and 11 feet stroke.  It is supposed she is one of the fastest, if not the fastest steamer plying on the Sound.  She was built by Bishop & Simonson of this city, and is owned by Cornelius Vanderbilt.

There were [[italics]] forty-one foreign vessels [[/italics]] entered at this port yesterday ! the largest number ever known to enter here in one day.  Two or three of them were Liverpool ships, with assorted cargoes, and the amount of revenue received upon the importation must be very considerable.--[[italics]] Boston Times, Monday [[/italics]].

[[italics]] From Germany [[/italics]].--A private letter from a friend in Frankfort on the Maine, mentions that the past winter was the coldest for one hundred and fifty years; and that the flood of the Maine in the spring was the largest for five hundred years.

It seems, after such investigations as the Directors of the Academy of Fine Arts at Philadelphia have been able to make, that the loss in pictures and statues by the recent fire, is about twenty-five thousand dollars.
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[[italics]] Series of Casualties. [[/italics]]--Mr. Samuel H. Rand, of Rye, is now 70 years of age, and somewhat corpulent.  Two years since, he fell and broke one of this thighs, from which, after much pain and distress, he recovered.  In February last, he fell again on the ice, and broke the other thigh.  He had so far passed again through this severe visitation, as to permit him to venture abroad on crutches, when last week he fell again and broke an arm ! Job's afflictions were of a different kind, but certainly could not have been more painful to the body.--[[italics]]  Portsmouth (N.H.) Jour [[/italics]].

[[italics]] Good. [[/italics]]--A colored man, cook of a New-York ship, a few days since, in that city, recovered [[italics]] five hundred dollars [[/italics]] damages of Peter E. Rowland, captain of the ship, for flogging him at sea.

[[image - a hand pointing towards text]] A Baptist Association in Virginia has decided that immersion by a Pedo-Baptist minister is not valid, and those immersed by such ought not to be received into their churches.  Important!

The jury in the case of Jason L. Pendleton, on trial in the U. S. District Court at Baltimore, charged with being engaged in the slave trade on the coast of Africa, brought in a verdict of Guilty, accompanied a recommendation to the mercy of the Court.

[[italics]] Slave Trade in New.York [[/italics]].--The African ourangoutang, which we mentioned a few days since, was sold at auction on Thursday, by Dumont & Hosack, to a Western Menagerie, for $200.  She is about two years old, and two feet high.  When grown, will be about five feet.  She made a deal of fun for the sailors on the voyage, and kissed the captain every morning.  So they say.--[[italics]] N.Y. Jour. Com. [[/italics]]

[[italics]] Population of Springfield. [[/italics]]--A census has just been taken of Springfield, by which it appears, as we learn  by Capt. Dixie, of Thompson's Express, that the population of that town is 14,703.  In 1840 it was 10,985.  Incaease in five years, 3,718!

[[italics]] George Guess. [[/italics]]--This celebrated Cherokee Indian's fate is at last known.  He has been dead for upwards of a year.  The amount appropriated by the Government to be used in hunting him up has resulted in bringing to light his death--he has gone to his last account.  This intelligence was brought in by some Cherokees just from the Spanish country.  It will be remembered that he was the inventor of the Cherokee alphabet.

Marshall Burnham, of Williamstown, Vt., has just been arrested, and is now in jail at Chelsea, under suspicion of being the murderer of Mr. Parker, who was murdered a short time since at Manchester, N.H.  There are strong circumstantial evidences against Mr. B.  We have not yet ascetained the particulars.--[[italics]] G.M. Freeman. [[/italics]]

[[italics]] Fatal Accident. [[/italics]]--William Francis, a colored man, aged sixty years, for five years past a waiter on board the steamboat Telegraph, Captain Odell, was accidentally drowned on Saturday night last, by falling overboard from the dock at Peekskill.  He has left a wlfe and seven children, who reside at Tarrytown, Westchester county.

Colored citizens are not allowed to vote in Connecticut.  A petition to the legislature to abolish the restriction was reported upon [[italics]] adversely [[/italics]] in the House, last week, and the report was [[italics]] unanimously [[/italics]] accepted.  It strikes us that the legislature of Connecticut have mistaken the dictates of enlightened public sentiment and of sound policy in this matter.

[[italics]] Enticing Negroes from their Masters. [[/italics]]--The Dayton (Ohio) Journal says there is a rumor that Mr. James Slaght, of that place, has been arrested and imprisoned in Madisonville, Ky., on a charge of attempting to entice negroes away from their masters.

[[italics]] The Quebec Fire. [[/italics]]--It has been ascertained that the whole number of houses destroyed by the late fire in Quebec is [[italics]] sixteen hundred and thirty. [[/italics]]  The insurance on these buildings amounted to $411,340.  The insurance companies have made arrangements with the banks to meet all claims against them for losses.

[[italics]] Dreadful Accident.--Loss of Life. [[/italics]]--On the 5th inst., as we learn from the Luzerne Democrat, a sad and fatal accident occurred at the coal mines of George M. Hollenback, Esq., near Wilkesbarre, Pa., by which three miners, named Joseph Walker, John Casery and John O'Neil, were instantly killed, and another, Robert Johnson, seriously injured.

Kentucky has a gross population of 800,000, of which only 31,495 are slaveholders--one in twenty-five a slaveholder.

The death of Schlegel, the eminent German author and critic, at the age of 79, is announced.

[[italics]] Much in a few Words. [[/italics]]--The New-York Tribune thus signifies its opposition to the property qualification of the right of suffrage:  'If a man knows enough to be hung for his misdeeds, he knows enough to have a voice in choosing the sheriff who is to string him up.'

[[italics]] Dissolution of the Am. Baptist Anti-Slavery Convention. [[/italics]]--This body, organized several years ago, with its provisional committee to attend to missionary business, has been dissolved since the decision of the acting Board at Boston, not to appoint a slaveholder as a missionary.  The alleged necessity of its creation is regarded as having ceased.

The Lowell Journal says that Mr. Aldrige, superintendent of the Lowell Lock Company, has lately made a padlock, 'which although efforts have been made for the last fortnight by a number of persons, they have not been able to find the key-hole.'

The per centage of increase on the total population of Virginia and New-England, in fifty years, is as follows:  Virginia, 65 6-10; New-England, 121 3-10.

Previous to the war of 1812, with Great Britain, there were no canals in the United States, except the Middlesex canal, 27 miles in length, which was finished in 1808, and the Santee canal, 22 miles in length, in South Carolina.  There are now nearly 4000 miles of canals, which have cost at least 100 millions of dollars.

The first railroad in this country was the short road of three or four miles in length, at Quincy in this State, built to transport granite to the head of sloop navigation.  Now there are no less than 4000 miles of railroads, which have cost no less than 100,000,000 of dollars.

[[italics]] News Travelling in less than no Time. [[/italics]]--The strange fact is nevertheless demonstrated to be true, that news conveyed by Morse's Telegraph actually travels in less than [[italics]] no time. [[/italics]]  For instance,  a member of Congress from Missouri commences a speech in the Capitol at 12 o'clock, and it is immediately communicated by telegraph, and is announced in St. Louis [[italics]] at about [[/italics]] 11 [[italics]] o'clock [[/italics]], just one hour before the speaker commenced.  A correspondent of the U.S. Journal says, take any map and run your eyes due West on the degrees, and you will get abundance of amusing illustrations of this [[italics]] event-anticipating [[/italics]] affair.   [Mirror.

A railroad has been completed between Matanzas and Savanillo; (Cuba,) a distance of 21 miles.

A horse is now being exhibitied in Albany, which is represented as a leviathan.  He is nearly 20 hands high, weighs 2000 pounds, and can run a mile in four minutes.

[[italics]] Signs from the South. [[/italics]]--A Cincinnati friend writes to us that a man has lately arrived in Cincinnati, bringing four slaves from Mississippi, whom he in. tends to set free, educate, and settle on a farm.  He states that there is a strong and growing sentiment against slavery, in the portion of Mississippi where he resided, and he has no doubt that many of his neighbors will follow his example, by emancipating and educating their slaves.  Our friend also mentions the recent arrival of thirty emancipated slaves from South Carolina.

[[italics]] Attempted Riot. [[/italics]]--We learn from the Cincinnati Atlas, that an attempt was made on the night of the 11th instant, in that city, to break up the sitting of the Abolition Convention.  The police officers being present, promptly arrested two of the ringleaders, and took them off to the watch-house.  While coming down with their prisoners, an unsuccessful attempt was made to rescue them by a mob of persons.  In the [[italics]] melee [[/italics]] which followed, several persons were considerably injured, by being hit with brick-bats, but no one was seriously hurt.

[[italics]] Another Great Haul of Fish. [[/italics]]--At New Haven, yesterday morning, from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 white fish, as nearly as could be estimated, were hauled ashore by Mr. Davidson & Russell's seine, on the West side of the harbor.  These fish weigh about three quarters of a pound each, and are used for manure by the farmers of the adjacent towns, who pay from 50 to 75 cents a thousand,  The haul of yesterday morning was worth from $500 to $750.  The weight of the fish was from 375 to 500 [[italics]] tons: [[/italics]] sufficient to freight a large ship.  Of course, they could not be drawn out [[italics]] en masse, [[/italics]] but being hauled in at high tide, and the net made fast to a windlass,the receding tide left them high and  dry.  Seen at a distance, thus exposed on the shore, they looked like a snow bank, or an extensive deposit of salt.--[[italics]] N.Y. Journal of Com. [[/italics]]

[[italics]] Day of Fasting and Prayer. [[/italics]]--The Presbyterian General Assembly has recommended the observance of the Thursday before the fourth Sabbath of June, as a day of fasting and prayer, in view of the present suspension of divine influences among the churches.
[[/end column 4]]
[[begin column 5]]

RUNAWAY NEGROES--A BATTLE WITH THE WHITES.  We learn from the Hagerstown (Md.) papers, that on Monday morning, the 26th ult. about three o'clock, ten runaway negroes were discovered passing through Smithsburg, Washington county, (Md.) on their way to Pennsylvania.  They were passed on the road to Smithsburg by Mr. Adam Shank Jr. and supposing them to be runaways, he alarmed the citizens of that place, and a party consisting of Mr. Shank, constable Flora, Joseph Waltemyre, Henry Lyday, Jr. Calvin Shoop, William McCoy, Joseph D. Price, and Jno. Diamond, started in pursuit.  Upon overtaking the negroes, they were commanded to halt, when they drew themselves up in battle order, their leader exclaiming to them, 'Now boys, G--d d--m you fight!  They were armed with pistols and tomahawks, and immediately commenced an attack upon the whites, felling several of them to the earth at the outset.  The whites being unarmed, except with bludgeons, found themselves engaged in rather an unequal and hazardous contest.  Repeatedly the negroes were knocked to the earth, but they returned to the contest with redoubled fury, and being all stout and very athletic men, were rather hard to handle.  Constable Flora was twice knocked down--Price had his arm nearly severed and the bone broken, by a blow from a tomahawk--he also had a pistol snapped in his face, which very fortunately failed to go off--McCoy had his shoulder dislocated--Lyday received a wound in the shoulder from a tomahawk--Shank was several times felled to the earth, and the whole party more or less injured.  However, after a desperate contest, the whites succeeded in carrying off one prisoner, in an almost hopeless condition with two pistols and two tomahawks, which were wrested from the hands of the negroes.  Another negro, badly wounded, after following his companions a mile or two upon their retreat, gave himself up.  We also learn that two more of the gang were arrested near Leitersburg.

[[italics]] Shocking Murders. [[/italics]]--We learn from the Mississippi Free Trader of Tuesday last, that on the 25th ult. the bodies of three persons, two women and one man, were found in a flat boat, about ten miles above Natchez, in such a condition as to leave no doubt of their having been murdered with an axe.  It appears that the boat was occupied by the man as a trading boat, that he had nearly disposed of his stock of goods or cargo.  The murderer is supposed to have been a man employed by the owner of the boat at Vicksburg, but having some difficulty he was discharged, and afterwards came on board, committed the horrid act, and fired the boat.

[[italics]] Horrid Murder and Fatal Rencontre. [[/italics]]--A foul and inhuman murder of V. D. McElroy of this county, took place about four miles from this place on Saturday last.  The deceased, it appears, had borrowed a small sum of many from one Christopher Davis, and subsequently met him at a horse race; the latter demanded payment, when McElroy said he thought he had paid the money once.  At this Davis evinced some angry excitement, whereupon McElroy remarked, that he did not wish to have any dispute with him, and turned to leave him.  As he turned, Davis struck him upon the head with a loaded whip, which caused his death.  The murdered man mounted his horse, however, and rode about half a mile on his way homewards, when he fell from his horse, and was afterwards found weltering in his blood.--[[italics]] Marion, Miss. Banner, May 24. [[/italics]]

[[italics]] Murder. [[/italics]]--About 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening, one ---- Mazureau, who has been known as a hunter and fowler about Algiers, was passing the shanty of Peter Kennedy, a ferryman--Kennedy's dog ran out after him--he struck the dog, when Kennedy himself came out, seized a billet of wood, with which he inflicted a blow on Mazureau, of which he died a few minutes afterwards.  Kennedy then put off in a skiff, was pursued by the citizens, and again rowed in to the Levee.  He then made his way on towards the woods of Gretna, where he escaped for the present the vigilance of his pursuers.--[[italics]] N.O. Pic. May 30th. [[/italics]]

[[italics]] Mysterious Affair. [[/italics]]--On Sunday week, the body of an unknown white female was found lying in the public highway, Mobile Bay.  She was entirely naked, appeared to have been dead several days, and from the small size and delicate appearance of the hands, was probably some female who had never been accustomed to hard labor.  The Coroner's jury decided that she came to her death by violence inflicted on her person by some person or persons unknown; and their verdict was formed from the fact of hands being fastened together by a cord around her wrists.

The motion for a new trial in the case of Dr. Samuel Kennedy, convicted of murder in New-Orleans, has been denied, and he remanded to prison.  The case is to taken up to the Supreme Court.

The Circuit Court of Warren county, Miss. convicted Thomas Dowling, an overseer, of manslaughter in the first degree, for killing a slave belonging to his employer, R. Ballard.

Correspondence of the Savannah Georgian.
'NEWTON, (Baker Co.) June 2.

On  Friday, 30th ult. a negro girl by the name of Sophy, the property of James Hayes of Thomas co., was executed for the murder of his only son, Thomas Hayes, at Thomasville.  She had been the child's nurse, and killed it by beating it on the head with a lightwood knot, in April last.  She confessed her guilt, and stated that she was advised to do it by an old negro woman, belonging to said Hayes.

[[italics]] Murder. [[/italics]]--In a drunken quarrel at Fort Gadsden, Fa., 25th ult. a man named Samuel Price shot his hired man, named Field, and killed him instantly.  The quarrel rose about the ownership of an old canoe.  Price, after he became sober, surrendered himself, and was committed to jail in Apalachicola.

A rencontre occurred near Edgefield, S.C. recently, between Mr. James E. Kilcrease and Mr. Amos Bush, in which the former was seriously stabbed under his left shoulder blade.  Bush is under arrest.

[[italics]] Serious Affray. [[/italics]]--We learn from a gentleman direct from Evansville, Ark. that a serious rencontre took place in that town, on Sunday night week, between one Wm. Free and Thos. Bridgewood, in which the former was seriously, if not mortally wounded.--[[italics]] Van Buren (Ark.) Whig, May 6th. [[/italics]]

From the N.O. Tropic, June 10.

The Attorney-General has given it as his opinion, that there is no law by which the owner of the slave Augusta, or the jailor under whose charge the brutal punishment was inflicted upon him, can be reached.

This is the case of the little mulatto boy who was sent to the police jail of the Frst Municipality, and there chastised, day after day, until his back was one mass of raw, trembling, and part-putrid flesh.

The Mobile Herald says:  We saw an affecting scene in the street yesterday in the parting of a family of negroes, the father of which is a slave, and the remaining members of which were lately manumitted by their owner--the latter having to be sent out of the State in compliance with the law, and they have chosen New-York as their home, where it is to be hoped they will meet with better fortune than is generally the lot of the black population of the North.  One of the children seemed to be almost frantic at the idea of being separated from its father, and the mother was but little better.  Freedom is a dear gift to that family, and one which they will find, when too late, is not worth the price paid for it.

[[Bold double-line separating articles]]

A fugitive from the blessings and floggings of the 'patriarchal institution,' as they are dispensed in the city of Charleston, S.C., passed through town last week.  His master, he stated to us, was a Methodist clergyman, who preached on Sundays and raced horses on week-days.  He had always been kindly treated himself, but last winter his master sold his wife and the mother of his two children to go to New-Orleans, and when in the phrenzy of agony at being thus torn away, and separated forever, the poor slave attempted to rescue her from the hands of the purchaser, a blood-hound was set upon him and tore his flesh--for which he could not forgive his master.  He leaves his two children and a mother still in bondage to the Reverend horse-jockey, and only desires for himself to labor for a living in the free air and among the free men of the North.--[[italics]] Springfield Gazette. [[/italics]]

[[italics]] Hon. Richard Fletcher's Speech. [[/italics]]--At the late meeting of the Baptist Foreign Missionary Society in this city, the Hon. Richard Fletcher made a masterly address in explanation and defence of the course of the Board in regard to slavery.  He showed, by the clearest and most conclusive reasoning, that the active Board has not violated the constitution, nor transcended the limits of its responsibility.  He admitted the right of the South to retire as they have done, but denied their right to charge upon the Board any violation of right or duty whatsoever, in any opinion it had expressed, or any position it had assumed.  In fact, he surprised some members of the Board themselves, who were surprised to find their own position so triumphantly maintained by argument.  Mr. Fletcher has promised to furnish a copy of his speech for publication.--[[italics]] Boston Chronicle. [[/italics]]

Abby Kelley stopped a day at Jefferson, Ashtabula county, on her way to the convention at New-Lisbon.  The Whigs persuaded her to make a speech, presuming that she would abuse the Liberty party.  But they caught a Tartar.--[[italics]] Cleveland American [[/italics]]
[[/end column 5]]

[[begin column 6]]
[[large type]] S O A P : [[/large type]]
[[large type]] No. 26, Brattle st., Boston,
BY SOLOMON GUESS. [[/large type]]

THIS incomparable Soap is recommended for CLEANSING CLOTHES, removing spots of grease, tar, paint, pitch, &c.  It is also good for removing pimples, &c., from the face by one or two applications.

The subscriber having been in the Clothes Cleaning business for eight or ten years, confidently offers the above article to the public, having by repeated experiment found it of never-failing efficacy.  It is not one of those things which require constant puffing, and an exhibition of endless certificates, (easily obtained,) to make it sell.  No article has ever yet been manufactured that could compete with this in what it professes to do, and it only requires to be used to convince the most incredulous of its wonderful effects.

[[italics]] Agents. [[/italics]]--A.G. Tucker, Manchester, N.H.; John Levi, corner Merrimack and Bridge-st., Lowell.

Price 25 cents.  Liberal deductions made to those buying to sell again.     1y  June 6
[[horizontal separating line]]

I'll be Free! I'll be Free!

Dedicated to Frederick Douglass and other Fugitives, by Jesse Hutchinson, Jr.  Also, 'Get off the Track,' and the various other Songs of the Hutchinsons.  For sale by BELA MARSH,
June 6        No. 25 Cornhill.
[[horizontal separating line]]


JUST published, in a pamphlet form of 18 pages 18 mo., Public Worship, by Charles K. Whipple.  Price $1 25 per hundred, 20 cts, per doz.  For sale by BELA MARSH, 25 Cornhill.

[[image: hand pointing towards text]] Also, the Views of Archbishop Whately, of Dublin, on the Sabbath Question.
April 4.               tf.
[[horizontal separating line]]


MRS. Child's Letters from New-York, 2d series.  Flowers for Children, Nos. 1 and 2, just published.  For sale by Bela Marsh, No. 25 Cornhill.
May 8.
[[horizontal separating line]]


THE NUBIAN SLAVE:  A series of seven Designs drawn on stone, with intermediate pages being occupied by a Poem, which by uniting the scenes preserves the unity of history.  Designed by Charles C. Green.  Bound together in book form.  For sale by BELA MARSH, No. 25 Cornhill.
May 30          tf.
[[horizontal separating line]]

Social Reform Bookstore,
No. 25 Cornhill, Boston

THE WATER CURE JOURNAL and Teacher of Health, edited by Joel Shew, M.D.  Price one dollar a volume--24 numbers-- in advance:  Dr. Shew's large work on Hydropathy, or the Water Cure; a new edition, very much enlarged and revised: Conversations on some of the Old Poets, by Jas. R. Lowell: Physiological Mysteries and Revelations, by Eugene Beckhard, M.D.: Moral Physiology, or a brief and plain treatise on an important subject, by a Distinguished Reformer: The works of Owen, Brisbane, Godwin, Boyle and others on Social Reform: The Phalanx, Social Reformer, Constitution and By-Laws of Brook Farm Association--do. of Hopedale Community: Mrs. Child's Letters, Life of Follen, Dr. Alcott's Works, the Physiological and Phrenological Works of Fowler, Graham and others.  Spear's, O'Sullivan's and Chapin's Works on Capital Punishment: The Sermons of Rev. Theodore Parker, The True Position of Mr. Parker, and Sermons by Rev. John T. Sargent.  Woman in the Nineteenth Century, by S. Margaret Fuller.
Feb. 28.         tf.
[[horizontal separating line]]

Furniture and Feather Store,

WHERE may be found a general assortment of FURNITURE and FEATHERS, at all prices, to suit all, and at low prices too for the quality, for cash or on credit.  Purchasers are requested to call before purchasing elsewhere.
N.B. The first price is the only price, except a small discount for cash.
March 14.
[[horizontal separating line]]

THE BUSTLE: A Philosophical and Moral Poem.  By the most Extraordinary Man of the Age.  Just published and for sale by BELA MARSH, No. 25 Cornhill.    tf  May 30
[[horizontal separating line]]

Genteel Boarding House,

T. N. would respectfully inform the public, that he has fitted up and opened his house to accommodate with board and lodging those who may favor him with their patronage.  He respectfully solicits a share.  No pains will be spared to render it in every way an agreeable house.  Terms moderate.
May 30          6mo
[[horizontal separating line]]

To Abolitionists

INFORMS his friends and customers, that he has removed from No. 8 Brattle-street, to

51 Cornhill and 24 Brattle-street

Where he continues his same line of business, with an addition, viz:


Cut and made in the neatest and most fashionable style.  He has also taken considerable pains to select A FIRST RATE CUTTER, who will give his attention to cutting only.  He has selected an assortment of the most fashionable CLOTHS, viz: Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Doeskins, Tweeds, as well as VESTINGS of the latest style, all of which he will make up in the most fashionable style, and on reasonable terms, and will take GENTLEMEN'S OFF-CAST GARMENTS in pay, or part pay.

Please give him a call, if you wish to be used well and get the worth of your money.

[[Image: Hand pointing towards text]] J.P. COBURN would furthermore inform the public, that he has made extensive arrangements, and is prepared to execute any amount of Clothing in the above line.

[[image: hand pointing towards text]] The highest price paid for Gentlemen's off cast Garments.  Also, clothing cleaned and repaired in the neatest and most thorough manner, at short notice.
[[horizontal separating line]]


THE subscriber continues to have Respirators manufactured under his immediate direction, and imports others from England.  The experience of five years has more than confirmed the anticipations he had formed from the philosophical construction of the instruments.  They are eminently useful in all pulmonary complaints where exposure to cold atmosphere produces evil consequences.  During the past winter, several healthy persons have used them with exceeding comfort when travelling in very cold weather, and without any subsequent injury to themselves.  The instruments may be procured at 3 Kingston-street, at his agent's, Theodore Metcalf's, Tremont-street, and at several of the Druggist stores of this city and of the country.
           H. I. BOWDITCH, M.D.
Boston, Oct. 12, 1844.
[[bold horizontal Double-line separation]]


NEW-HAMPSHIRE.--Leonard Chase, [[italics]] Milford. [[/italics]]

VERMONT.--Rowland T. Robinson, [[italics]] North Ferrisburg. [[/italics]]

MASSACHUSETTS.--John Levy, [[italics] Lowell; [[/italics]]--R. & J. Adams, [[italics]] Fall River; [[/italics]]--Isaac Austin, [[italics]] Nantucket; [[/italics]]--Elias Richards, [[italics]] Weymouth; [[/italics]]--George W. Benson, [[italics]] Northampton. [[/italics]]

RHODE-Island.--Amarancy Paine, [[italics]] Providence; [[/italics]]--William Adams,[[italics]] Pawtucket. [[/italics]]

NEW-YORK.--S.H. Gay, [[italics]] New-York City; [[/italics]] Jame C. Fuller, [[italics]] Skaneateles; [[/italics]]--Thomas McClintock, [[italics] Waterloo; [[/italics]]--John H. Parker, [[italics]] Peru. [[/italics]]

PENNSYLVANIA.--M. Preston, [[italics]] West Grove; [[/italics]]--James Fulton, Jr., [[italics]] McWilliamstown; [[/italics]]--Thomas Hambleton, [[italics]] Russellville; [[/italics]]--B. Kent, [[italics]] Andrew's Bridge; [[/italics]]--John Cox, [[italics]] Homorton; [[/italics]]--James M. M'Kim, [[italics]] Philadelphia; [[/italics]] JOSEPH FULTON, [[italics]] Penningtonville. [[/italics]]

OHIO.--Lot Holmes, [[italics]] Columbiana. [[/italics]]

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Transcription Notes:
There are some obvious typos on this page, e.g. incaease for increase; ascetain for ascertain; wlfe for wife. I have left the typos exactly as printed.