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JUNE 19.
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From the Dover Morning Star.


Motto of a banner at Washington City, displayed in the triumphal procession of rejoicing at the election of Buchanan and Breckinridge.


Ay, let them bleed!-Slavery demands
 BLOOD, to baptize her throne of power;
BLOOD, dripping from her gory hands,
 Must stain each Kansas prairie flower!

High raise that banner!-blazon forth
 That motto as your party's creed!
Sound it through all the slumbering North:-
 'Sumner and Kansas, let them bleed!'

Tear off the mask, that all may read!
 Display it in your triumph hour!
Who dares oppose it, [[italic]]let him bleed![[/italic]]
 Crush him beneath your ruffian power!

'[[italic]]Let Kansas bleed![[/italic]]'-and he who dare
 Defend her, in her hour of need,
By Slavery's blood-stained altars swear
 To [[italic]]silence-crush![[/italic]] Ay, '[[italic]]let him bleed![[/italic]]'

Ay, '[[italic]]let him bleed![[/italic]]'-so spoke in scorn
 The foe who rod with impious feet
On Freedom's banner, soiled and torn,
 In the dark hour of her defeat.

On Bunker's height, when Warren died,
 The ruffian hands that did the deed,
And every tory, scoffing, cried,
 'Warren and Freedom-[[italic]]let them bleed![[/italic]]'

This ever is the ruffian cry,
 When Liberty and Truth would rise:-
Who dared defend them, let him die!
 Ay, 'CRUCIFY HIM!' rends the skies.

When to the cross the Lord was nailed,
 Each murderous Jew approved the deed,
And passing by, exulting, railed,
 'JESUS OF NAZARETH-[[italic]]let him bleed![[/italic]]'

He bled, amidst his scoffing foes,
 Who gloried in their sin and shame;
But soon a conqueror he rose,
 And endless glories crown his name. 

Ay, '[[italic]]let them bleed![[/italic]]'- But from that blood
 The tree of Liberty shall rise-
Spread o'er the human brotherhood-
 Its topmost branches kiss the skies.

When Chaldea's king, with impious mien, 
 Scoffed-revelled-in that fatal hour
The hand of Destiny was seen, 
 Writing of his departed power. 

So now that hand is on the wall, 
 Amidst your guilty revelry,
Writing your doom-your fearful fall, 
 Scoffers at wronged humanity!

 WANTING,' is Heaven's unchanged decree;
And soon through every land shall sound
 The trump of endless jubilee.


From Zion's Herald.

Where is the invention
 Of this growing age,
Claiming the attention
 Of statesman, priest or sage,
In the many 'Railways'
 Through the nations found, 
Equal to the Yankees'
 'Railway Underground'?
  No one hears the 'whistle,'
   Or noises of the cars;
  While negroes fly to freedom, 
   Beyond the STRIPES AND STARS. 

On the Southern lines
 Stand the Railway Stations;
Negroes get free tickets, 
 While on the plantations;
For them, their wives and children, 
 'First class' Cars are found, 
While they ride to Freedom, 
 By Railway Underground. 
  No one hears the 'whistle,' &c.

Masters, in the morning, 
 Furiously rage;
Cursing the inventions
 Of this knowing age:-
Order out the bloodhounds, 
 Swear they' ll bring them back;-
Dogs return exhausted-
 Cannot find the 'track.'
  No one hears the 'whistle,' &c.

In the 'Dismal Swamp,'
 Defying penetration, 
Conductor STOWE says 'Dred'
 Built a Railway Station. 
'Harry' and 'Lizette,'
 'Old Tift,' his 'Little Peytons,'
'Mille,' and many more, 
 Got tickets of the 'Claytons.'
  No one hears the 'whistle,' & c. 

Wrath of Southern Planters
 Furiously burns
'Gainst teaching, printing, preaching;
 'Gainst every body turns;
Swearing, Black and White, 
 North and South must be
(To save the precious Union)
 Reduced to slavery. 
  No one hears the 'whistle.' &c.

Travel is increasing; 
 Build a [[italic]]double track;[[/italic]]
Cars and engines wanted;
 They come, we have no lack.
'Clear the track' of loafers;
 See that crowded car,-
Thousands passing yearly;-
 'Stock is more than par.'
  No one hears the 'whistle,' &c.

Southern tyrants, startled
 In the 'Old Dominion,'
Tremble while they hear
 [[italic]]Public opinion[[/italic]].
Like ten thousand thunders,
 Northern voices spoke, 
Let not Whites or Niggers
 Wear the tyrant's yoke!
  'Down South' they hear [[italic]]this whistle;[[/italic]]
   [[italic]]These noises[[/italic]] of the cars;
  Loud proclaiming [[italic]]Freedom[[/italic]]
   Beneath [[italic]]our[[/italic]] STRIPES AND STARS!


The seed must die before the corn appears
Out of the ground in blade and fruitful ears;
Low must those ears by sickle's edge be lain, 
Ere thou canst treasure up the golden grain. 
The grain is crushed before the bread is made, 
And the bread broke ere life to man conveyed.
O! be content to die, to be laid low,
And to be crushed, and to be broken so, 
If thou upon God's table may be bread, 
Life-giving food, to souls an hungered.




In the world's broad field of battle,
 In the bivouac of life, 
Be not like dumb, driven cattle-
 Be a hero in the strife!

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We renewedly record our testimony against the awful system of chattel slavery in our land-a system which is but the synonym for unrestrained licentiousness, unparalleled cruelty, brutal degradation, wholesale robbery, and every other conceivable crime and sin; which is fitly symbolized by the lash, the fetter, the thumb-screw, the bowie-knife, the bloodhound; which requires for its support the denial of all the principles of justice and humanity, the destruction of all human rights, the overthrow of all the safeguards of society, the violation of all the commandments of God; which cannot tolerate dissent, nor bear examination, nor endure the light, nor permit freedom of speech or of the press; which inflames every passion, disorders every intellect, corrupts every heart, brought under its influence; which, like a volcano, contains within itself the elements of ruin, and is continually discharging its firry lava in every direction, defacing all that is fair and beautiful, and spreading destruction in its track; which admits of no defence, no palliation, no modification; and which, therefore, should be immediately and forever abolished. 

In view of its growth and character, its alarming strides and astounding developments, its impiety toward God and inhumanity to man, we feel constrained to affirm, that whatever religious body is found in communion and fellowship with slaveholders, or which recognizes the capability of slaveholding with sound morality and true piety, or which regards with aversion or indifference the struggle now going on in the land for the utter extinction of slavery, forfeits all claim to respect and confidence, and especially to Christian character, in the primitive meaning of the term Christianity. 

The history of our county shows that slavery has attained to its present colossal dimension through the spirit of compromise in Church and State.  In an evil hour, in order to effect a common union, a vital stab was given to liberty in the formation of the American Constitution, wherein provision was made for a slave oligarchy in Congress, for the prosecution of the foreign slave trade for twenty years, for the pursuit and recovery of the fugitive slave in every part of the land, and for the suppression of domestic insurrection; thus involving the whole nation in the awful criminality of the slave system, making the government its bulwark and defence, and giving to it stability, character, boundless resources, and absolute supremacy.
The natural retribution has followed this spirit of compromise, in flooding the land with police profligacy and religious hypocrisy-in the bold denial of the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence, and the Golden Rule-in the multiplication of six into fifteen slaveholding States, of half a million into four millions of slaves-in the perfidious repeal of the Missouri Compromise, for the purpose of wresting from freedom a vast territorial empire-in the bloody invasion and conquest of Kansas by armed bandits from the south, countenanced by the government of the United States-in the recent decision of the Supreme Court, declaring that colored people have no rights that white men are bound to respect, virtually legalizing the hold of slaves in every part of the land, and removing all the ancient landmarks-in the murderous assault upon CHARLES SUMNER upon the floor of the American Senate, the numerous lynchings of Northern citizens at the South, suspected of the crime of being hostile to the slave institute, the outlawry of every uncompromising friend of freedom in all the slave dominions-in the wicked invasion, conquest, and annexation of a large portion of Mexico, solely to extend and perpetuate slavery-in filibustering excursions in Central America, and restless plottings to secure the acquisition of Cuba-and in the general loss of all manhood, self-respect, courage, independence, and reverence for 'the higher law of God,' on the part of the people of the North. 

Henceforth, the duty of the North is plain.  It is at once to repent of its iniquity, and to withdraw from its present alliance with the South-an alliance maintained at a fearful cost of treasure, of character, of civil and religious liberty, of all that is worth living and dying for.  It is to proclaim the American Union a wild and guilty experiment, made up of eternally antagonistic elements, generating discord and woe, pandering to all the demands and necessities of the Slave Power, and sure, if not abolished, to bring destruction upon the whole land. 

To this end, we earnestly submit to the understanding and conscience of every professed friend of impartial liberty, whether he can consistently help to sustain a Government so organized, a Constitution marked by such compromises, a Union so directly at war with Justice, Humanity and Right; and whether it is not his duty to stand in his lot, apart from such 'a convenient with death,' disfranchised alike for conscience and the slave's sake, calmly relying upon the Divine arm for strength and guidance, and actively endeavoring to persuade the whole body of the people to take the same sublime position alike as a measure of self-preservation and deliverance from blood-guiltiness, and to give a death-blow to that 'sum of all villains,' American slavery. 


Believing in the inherent sinfulness of war, and of all preparations for war-in the duty of abolishing the army, and navy, and militia, and every national flag, as the sources of corruption, misrule, pride, and lust of dominion-we entreat the friends of peace to see to it that their practice is consistent with their profession; that they give no countenance to a government which is based upon violence and sustained by the sword; that they fill no office, and vote for no others to fill any office, which requires an oath or affirmation on the part of its incumbent to uphold the Constitution of the United States, because of the warlike provisions contained in that instrument; and that they redouble their exertions to hasten the day when nation shall no longer lift up sword again nation, and men shall learn war no more.

We maintain the sanctity of human life, under all circumstances; and therefore deny the right of any people, by legislative enactment or in any other manner, to inflict capital punishment, on any pretext whatsoever.  Hence, we call for the abolition of the gallows as a barbarous relic of the dark ages; as inciting to the perpetration, rather than leading to the suppression of crime; as indefensible on the ground of expediency as it is opposed to the spirit of Christianity; as cheapening that very life which it ostensibly seeks to render inviolate; as an act of retaliation and vengeance which hardens the heart and inflames the passions, condemned alike by the highest dictates of reason and the purest instincts of humanity; and as setting an example in the excise of discretionary power, equally unlawful and pernicious. 


In the progress and triumph of the beneficent cause of temperance, we take a deep and lively interest-regarding total abstinence from the use of all intoxicating drink as the only safeguard against the evils and horrors of drunkenness, and placing alcohol in the category of medical and mechanical instrumentalities, to be used in sickness with as much scrupulousness as is belladonna, arsenic, or any other poison ; and we earnestly urge upon all heads of families in special, the duty which they owe to their children to inculcate and exemplify this saving doctrine-and also upon all employers and laborers of every grade, the obligation to refuse to give or take the maddening drink, the habitual use of which is the fruitful source of pauperism, licentiousness, violence and crime, to an unlimited extent.


We desire to do what in us lies for the discouragement and suppression of another vicious and widely prevailing habit-the use of that narcotic weed, tobacco; a habit which is essentially vulgar, filthy, injurious to mind and body, and annoyance to all lovers of purity, a heavy pecuniary tax, and too generally allied with the wine-cup and other demoralizing allurements; a habit which is more to be dreaded, because of the amazing tenacity with which it clings to its victims-the appetite for spirituous liquor being less clamorous and exacting.  The increasing use of tobacco in the land is an alarming evil, which calls for active and uncompromising efforts for its extirpation; and let no one consider himself a eonsistent friend of progress who does not, by word or deed, bear a decided testimony against it.

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We rejoice in the growing recognition of woman as the co-equal of man, in regard to all rights and privileges, whether religious or political-to renumeration for labor, to the possession and disposal of property, to educational and scientific enlightenment, to a voice in the arrangements of society and the laws of the land, and to whatever relates to the safety, freedom and happiness of the human race; and we shall labor to break down all those barriers between the sexes, which have no foundation in the nature of things, which enable the physically strong to oppress the weak, and which exclude woman from a full and fair participation in the rewards of industry and skill, professional life, and public service, and in all the advantages arising from social, political, and religious equality.


In the Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends, held at Longwood, from the 17th to the 19th of Fifth month, 1857, inclusive, the foregoing Testimonies in respect to Slavery, War, Capital Punishment, Temperance, Tobacco, and the Co-equality of Woman, were considered, adopted, and directed to be published.




The New York correspondent of the Dover [[italic]]Morning Star[[/italic]], in giving an account of the late anniversary of the American Tract Society in that city, says:-

The business meeting convenes in the body of the church, where the public Anniversary is advertised to be an hour later.  The wonder is, how the great conflict is to find room in these sixty minutes.- Nearly ten of them are occupied in the preliminaries to the opening prayer, and its offering by Dr. Spring.  It seems to foreshadow 'peace,' if not 'first purity.'  Dr. Knox makes a report of the general prosperity of the Society for the past year, occupying ten minutes more, concluding with the statement that the Special Committee, appointed last year, are now expected to make their report.  Chancellor Frelinghuysen, Chairmen of the Committee, describes the movements of the Committee, stating that a wonderful harmony was found to subsist among the members of the Committee at the opening of their deliberations; and he supposed that besides the unanimous conclusion of the ten of the fifteen present, the absent ones had given in their assent to the document to be presented, till this morning a letter from Dr. Anderson, of Rochester, states that, being unable to attend the discussion of the subject, he wishes his name not attached to the conclusion of the Committee to be reported.  This preliminary occupies fifteen minutes, leaving less than half an hour for the report and discussion.- Judge Jessup, Secretary of the Committee, proceeds to read the report, which will yet hope may prove less the 'cry of peace, peace, where the Lord hath not spoken peace,' than all these preliminaries foreshadow.

He criticises the jesuitical Resolutions reported by the Investigating Committee, and adopted by the Society-the 4th as follows:-

'Resolved, 4th, That in the judgement of your Committee, the political aspects of slavery lie entirely without the sphere of this Society'-[What, then can these political aspects of it be, since a breath before, it is declared that the 'Society should deal even-handedly, and bear impartial testimony against all forms of fundamental, doctrinal error and practical immorality, in any and every part of the country.'  Either 'these political aspects' are not 'forms of doctrinal error nor practical immorality,' or they are not in 'any or every part of the country'-or here is a flat contradiction.  A mystification, to say the best-a successful concealment of meaning under the words that 'blow hot or blow cold' to suit occasion]-'and cannot be discussed in its publications, but that those moral duties which grow out of the existence of slavery,'-[Duties, growing out of the existence of slavery!  Here is a coil of the serpent-if this is not, by implication, a concession that the existence of slavery is right, in itself.  Duties, moral duties, growing out of it!  The root of moral duties it is recognized as being.  For who speaks of the moral duties growing out of murder, theft, dancing, or even sleeping in chruch?  No, such are not roots of moral duties, but 'moral duties grow out of the existence of slavery' as out of the existence of the parental, connubial, and family relations]-'as well as those moral evils and vices which it is known to promote,'-[Another complicity; the tree bears both thorns and figs.  No: it [[italic]]grows[[/italic]] 'moral duties,' and [[italic]]promotes[[/italic]] 'evils and vices.'  Grapes 'grow out of' this tree, but the shade of it 'promotes' thistles.  Of course, the tree is to be respected, the grapes cherished, but the thistles 'promoted' by its shade dealt otherwise by,] 'and which are condemned in Scripture, and so much deplored by evangelical Christians, undoubtedly do fall within the province of this Society, and can and ought to be discussed in a fraternal and Christian spirit.'

What slaveholder would object to this?  If the framers of it did not purpose to leave the sin of slavery itself untouched, they have done it without meaning it.  If they did not mean to make it so as to go down with the cannibal evangelical brethren, they have fitted it to his man-eating stomach unawares.

Now for the [[italic]]independent[[/italic]] thunder, in the persons of Bacon, Cheever, Thompson, and others-only they wait the motion to accept the report.  A voice, irresolute and faltering, rather, moves 'that the report be accepted, and adopted.'  Now for the uprising!  But-is it possible?  Thompson, Dr. Thompson it is, who has made the motion to accept and adopt, and is going on with a sort of sneaking apology for it.  He stammers out a very short, weak, little speech, which Cheever will annihilate with the first bolt of his prophetic thunder.  'Mr. Chairman,' comes a more hearty voice from under the edge of the gallery, 'I arise to-second the motion to accept and adopt this report;' and the sturdy seconder, against the pillar, makes a little speech in favor of it.  The Chairman says the question is on the acceptance and adoption of the report.  Now for the repulse.  But no one springs to the floor.- Dr. Cheever nor Dr. Bacon appears.  Probably neither of them is here-gone or going to the meeting of the Congregational Union at Union Square.  The question is put.  A dozen voices answer, not very heartily, 'Aye.'  The negatives called for; nobody says no, and the vote of acceptance and adoption is declared unanimous.  Dr. Knox, Chairman of the Executive Committee, hopes that before the meeting closes, some one, however briefly, will give thanks for the harmonious conclusion of this trying matter.  Dr. Thompson is called on.  It seems to come hard, but he says something, and without benefit from the hint at brevity in the proposition, but as if more in the policy of the woman in New Hampshire, who, being asked why she prayed so long, answered, that she was trying to pray till she should be to [[italic]]feel[[/italic]] to pray.  So the business meeting ended within the hour for it, with waste space for recess before the public anniversary.  'The mountain labored, (a year,) and brought forth'-we shall better know what when the practical of the resolutions actually comes forth.  May be more will be done than the letter of them promises; that something straight will grow out of this crookedness, or that in striking at the evils the upas 'promotes,' the root of the tree itself will get a gash from some glancing ax.



Dr. Frederick Ross, of Huntsville, Alabama, has been making a speech before the Presbyterian General Assembly, at Cleveland, Ohio, on the subject of slavery.  This is a habit in which he indulges annually.  The gist of his speech, according to the Cleveland [[italic]]Herald[[/italic]], was this: 'He considers the slavery question, in the Assembly to be [[italic]]a great game of chess between the North and the South[[/italic]], and that he has brought two arguments to bear on the North, which they can neither resist nor retreat from.

First.  He has shown that the people of the South no longer occupy infidel ground, or no ground at all, as to what slavery is, and what is their duty, but are now, more and more, understanding what the Bible tells them, and doing their duty; [[italic]]therefore[[/italic]], the North must say to them, We see you are not sinners, [[italic]]in your position[[/italic]].  You are on the right ground.

Secondly.  He has shown that all the past [[italic]]testimony[[/italic]] of the Assembly, for more than forty years, ahs been '[[italic]]stultified abstractions[[/italic]],' and '[[italic]]Delphic words[[/italic]],'-double-faced testimony, unworthy of the Presbyterian Church;-[[italic]]therefore[[/italic]], the Assembly can never, and will never, again, give such testimony.  And, finally, that the Assembly can give no testimony, whatever, against the South, except that,

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like other Christians, they are not so good as they ought to be-all which the South doth confess, and prays the North to confess in imitation of its meek acknowledgment.

The Anti-Slavery party is enveloped under these two batteries, which they can neither silence nor retreat from.  The North this is check-mated.'

The amount of all this is that the people of the South hold slaves because it suits them to do so, and that the General Assembly has no right to protest against the institution in any way.  Well don, Dr. Ross!

Dr. Ross is the son of a negress.  His mother was his father's slave.  The father liberated that mother and her children-two sons-and gave them his property.  One of the son's committed suicide on account of the sting of taunts which he had received concerning the 'negro taint' which was imparted to his blood-the other lived to become a minister and to uphold and defend slavery!  Comment would be worse than useless.-[[italic]]Syracuse Journal.[[/italic]]



Dr. Ross's arguments in defence of slavery are easily answered in a great variety of methods.  But perhaps no method is more compendious, more lucid, or more conclusive, that the simple statement of the fact that [[italic]]he himself was born a slave[[/italic]].  There is little need to spending time to unravel with microscopic care the attenuated threads of sophistry, when the whole cobweb can be swept away in a moment by one touch of a sturdy fact.

What is it which Dr. Ross undertakes to defend?  Not Hebrew servitude, nor Arab, nor Turkish, nor Russian; nor yet some abstract and possible system by which his own mother, instead of being a wife-her husband's equal partner-was only a concubine, his father's property, with no conjugal rights, and with no parental right in the children to whom her agonies gave birth.  He maintains the rightfulness of the system under which he himself was born a slave, and which denied him every human right, save only the right to live.  He maintains the rightfulness of the system under which, if his father (more humane than most fathers of such children) had not contrived to rescue him from its inexorable cruelty, he would have been a slave to-day, or would have found refuge only in the grave.  If the system which he maintains was unjust to his mother and to him, it is equally unjust to every slave mother and to every slave.

'Who is to blame?' asks the [[italic]]Telescope[[/italic]], 'for impurity of blodd?  Surely not Dr. Ross.'  so we say.  It is not Dr. R.'s fault that he was 'born of fornication,' begotten on a quadroon concubine by her owner.  But it is his fault if he saves himself from being driven out of Alabama as a free negro, by vindicating in God's name that wicked system which put such dishonor on his mother, and which makes such births as his a matter of course.

'Who is to blame for impurity of blood?'  Impurity of blood is an idea which belongs to slavery.  In our opinion, the blood in Dr. R.'s veins is precisely as 'pure' as the blood of Pocahontas in the veins of a Virginia governor.

'Who is to blame for impurity of blood?'  So we ask, Who is to blame for being descended from Ham, the father of Canaan?  And we would refer Dr. Ross and all others who hawk about the story that it is right to enslave the negroes, because Ham was their ancestor long ago, to those very texts in Ezekiel referred to by the [[italic]]Telescope[[/italic]].-New York Independent.



Dr. Ross preached one Sunday in an Anti-Slavery Church in Cleveland.  We take the following particulars in regard to the sermon of this notorious Southern champion of slavery from the Cleveland [[italic]]Leader:-[[/italic]]

'The pastor made the opening prayer, and uttered a solemn and earnest petition to Heaven for the slave, and that slavery might be banished from the earth.  The distinguished gentleman, forgetting that the hymn-books in this part of the country had not be 'revised and corrected' to suit the peculiarities of pro-slavery religion, opened the book lying upon the desk, and commenced reading a hymn at random.  The first four verses went off swimmingly, but on coming to the fifth, the reader's face turned suddenly the color of a blood beet, and his voice sank almost to a whisper.  What was the matter?  The congregation referred to their hymn-books, when a broad smile ran like a wave of mirth all over the house-old deacons bit their lips, and strove to look grave, and the younger class of the congregation almost 'laughed right out.'  [[italic]]The last verse pronounced a curse upon the oppressor, and breathed a prayer for the suffering bondman.[[/italic]]  Shades of the Supreme Court and the Fugitive Law, what a position was that for a minister who openly contends that slavery is of God, and sanctioned and sanctified by Heaven!  The Rev. gentleman was for a moment non-plussed-the situation was uncommon tight-but he rallied, and proved himself equal to the occasion, by shouting to the singers, which a face like an Indian summer sunset after a storm-"[[italic]]You will omit the fifth verse.[[/italic]]"'



[[image: line drawing of hand with finger pointing to the right]] In an editorial article on Anniversary Week in New York, the New York [[italic]]Christian Inquirer[[/italic]] says:-

Meanwhile, we must content ourselves with the most powerful meetings of the week-the Yearly Anniversary of the American Anti-Slavery Society.  We have a growing conviction of the immense moral power wielded by this body of men and women.- Nobody knows American slavery so well as they; there is nowhere such a firm, consistent, relentless moral protest against the 'sum of all villanies' as from this platform.  The results of this moral protest cannot be measured.  Every institution of man in America is compelled to respect the steadfast integrity of Wm. Lloyd Garrison.  We estimate their theories of society and government, of which their orators are so proud, about on a par with other systems for extemporizing the New Jerusalem.  The analysis of society and the construction of government is not their forte; and, as one of the various political parties, they will not figure largely in the history of the Republic.  As a scaffolding of theory to stand upon, while they pour the hot shot of their moral indignation into the camp of oppression, their no-voting and disunion schemes may serve their own purpose; but the people understand pretty well what this amounts to.  They go to their meetings to hear the grand sub-base from the ground swell of Garrison's prophetic indignation; to rejoice at the writhing of the politicians under the keen sacrificial knife of Phillips; to see Pillsbury break the blood-stained windows of every church of oppression with the jagged rocks of his Yankee sarcasm; to behold the humanity of Furness ebb and flow to the tidal music of the Golden Rule; to feel the great womanly heart of Lucy Stone overturning a wall of selfishness at every throb.  And having gone in there, they all carry away a new love of freedom and hatred of oppression, forgetting the break-neck political theories, and forgiving the heinous exaggerations and acerbities that are the rubbish in the life-work of these faithful servants of freedom.


At the reception of Henningsen, an [[italic]]Englishman[[/italic]], in New York, on his return from his unsuccessful attack on the hen-roosts of Nicaragua, the chief person among the receivers was Meagher, an [[italic]]Irishman[[/italic]].  The man who shot a soldier, just before Walker was kicked out of Nicaragua, because he had stepped out of the lines to get some drink, was Rogers, an [[italic]]Irishman[[/italic]].  An [[italic]]Englishman[[/italic]], who was one of the buccaniers that sailed from New Orleans last December, in the Texas, to join Walker, gives an account of his comrades in the May number of Blackwood, and mentions that among them were [[italic]]Hungarians, Italians, Prussians, Frenchmen and Englishmen[[/italic]].  One company, he says, was composed entirely of [[italic]]Germans[[/italic]].  'The spirit of adventure,' he says, 'was the moving cause with nearly all; some were well off in their own country; others had left from personal motives, which had in many cases rendered them reckless; while some were soldiers of fortune -men who were unable to live except under the exciting influence of gunpowder.'  Such are the men who compose the piratical expeditions that are called [[italic]]American[[/italic]] all over the world, and whose actions have inflicted lasting disgrace on our national character.  That Americans have figured in those expeditions is not disputed, but not one of them ever would have been fitted out, had it not been for the presence of foreign adventurers here.  We are denounced as pirates, and as disturbers of the world's peace, because of conduct of men who have taken refuge in the United States from foreign prisons or foreign scaffolds.-[[italic]]Boston Traveller[[/italic]]

[[image: line drawing of hand with finger pointing to the right]] Had it not been for slavery in our land, nothing of this kind wonld have happened.

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The [[underline]]Post[[/underline]] gives some interesting facts connected with the celebrations of the Battle of Bunker Hill.  The junior editor of that paper is [[underline]]the[[/underline]] authority on every thing that relates to that immortal combat, and if any wishes to 'read up' on the subject, preparatory to the next celebration, we can conscientiously commend his history of the Siege of Boston as the best work on that subject.  It is rather odd, however, that any Democrat should be so enthusiastic an admirer of an action in which a black man actually had the audacity to shoot down a white man of the very first respectability.  Among the [[underline]]American[[/underline]] soldiers who particularly distinguished themselves at Bunker Hill was a colored man named Salem.  He is said to have shot Major Pitcairn, the man who gave the first order to fire in the war of the Revolution.  In the final attack on the redoubt, Pitcairn was among the foremost of the English who mounted the American works, when Salem, who does not seem to have been a peaceful man on that day, in spite of his name, shot him through the body.  We do not find any mention of Salem and his deed in Mr. Frothingham's work, though it may be that it escaped us, as our examination has been rather hurried.

It was an awfully presumptuous act on the part of Salem to shoot a white man, and if there had been any Taneys about in those days, he must have been called to account.  Major Pitcairn left eleven children, and if any one of his descendants should come to his country, he might soon be converted into an American citizen, and rise to high office, while a descendant of Mr. Salem, according to Justice Taney and most of his associates, can never rise to the position of citizenship.  All peoples have been more or less unjust and ungrateful, but if Supreme Court law is to be taken as the law of the land, we are not only the most unjust and ungrateful of nations, but the most foolish, also.

There were several colored me at Bunker Hill, in the [[underline]]American[[/underline]] ranks, besides Mr. Salem.  Mr. Nell mentions the names of Title Coburn, Alexander Ames and Barzillai Lew, all of Andover, and that of Cato Howe, of Plymouth.  All these men received pensions.  What a waste of money! to pay it to person who were not citizens of the country, and who, we are told, never could have become citizens, had they lived to the age of Methuselah.  For what did they fight?  That a government might be here established which should place them out of the pale of humanity, by solemn decision?  The idea that they and many others of their race fought to make their condition worse than it was under the English dominion, would be exquisitely absurd if it were not diabolically wicked.  If they were deceived, what are we to think of their deceivers, who were no less personages than our revolutionary ancestors?-[[underline]]Boston Traveller.[[/underline]]


CLOSING MEETING.  The Parent Washingtonian Society held its last meeting for the season at Mercantile Hall, on Sunday evening last.  Addresses were made by Wm. S. Baxter, Esq., and Wm. Ruby, a reformed inebriate.  Thus has terminated a very profitable and interesting series of temperance meetings-we think as interesting as any in former years.  For nearly seventeen years has this Parent Society labored to gratify the public, and to promote the cause in this city, by sustaining uninterrupted weekly Sunday evening meetings.  Through all seasons of prosperity and discouragement it has done this.  And the good which has been accomplished thereby is incalculable.  It can never be correctly estimated.  During the last season, several very valuable lectures have been delivered by some of our prominent reforms and literary gentlemen, among whom we may mention Wendel Phillips, Mr. Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Rev. Sylvanus Cobb, and Rev. O. A. Skinner, whose efforts were listened to by large audiences with interest.  During the approaching warm season, this Society will gather up its energies and prepare for a more vigorous campaign in the fall and winter.  Long live the parent Society among us!-[[italic]]Boston Temperance Visitor.[[/italic]]



Border Ruffianism is not yet extinct in Kansas.  The following notice was put under the door of a Mr. Sutton, at Willow Spring:-

APRIL 26,1857.
MR. SUTTON:-You will oblige Division 4, Council 16, national democratic party, by leaving [[italic]]sine die[[/italic]], or abide the consequences.
R. SURESHOT, [[italic]]Sec'y[[/italic]].

On the back of the letter was the drawing of a pistol.  Mr. Sutton is one of the three brothers who were driven from their claims last summer by the Border Ruffians, who burned one of their houses, stole their horses, and confiscated their crops.  They wintered in Illinois, and this Spring returned to take possession of their old claims.  They are said to be peaceable men, members of the Methodist Church.


[[image: line drawing of hand with finger pointing to the right]] Twenty-two slaves, says the Springfield [[italic]]Republican[[/italic]], recently escaped from a southern city, barreled up.  They passed safely out to sea, when the barrels where unheaded, and they came safely to New York, where they took different directions for the land where Dred Scott decisions cannot reach them.  Six of them, a mother and five children, passed through Springfield.  In Thompsonville, the sum of thirty dollars was raised for them, and in Springfield they obtained funds to carry them as far as the Suspension Bridge.  They appears worn out, as well might be supposed, but having had an opportunity to recuperate their exhausted energies, when they arrive in Canada, (God bless the Queen!) where colored men are free, if they do not make the welkin ring with shouts of gladness, we are mistaken in our idea of their appreciation of the boon of liberty.  But of this we have no fear whatever.  A woman who, with her children, will thus look death sternly in the face, and consent to be 'barreled up,' in order to attain their God-given rights, will know how to act when they have no further use for the barrels.

We are informed by one whom we suppoes to be well posted in such matters, that [[italic]]three[[/italic]] more of the 'chattels' passed through our city Canada-ward within the last week.  The [[italic]]leaves[[/italic]] afford them a refuge just now for hiding in the woods, which winter does not, and they are taking advantage of them to 'tramp.' -[[italic]]Cleveland Leader.[[/italic]]

[[image: line drawing of hand with finger pointing to the right]] A small youth, of light mulatto hue, flattered  himself one day last week with the hope of running away from the Old Dominion and coming to New York, and to this end concealed himself on board the steamer Roanoke, but was summarily fished out and sent ashore.  He was only 12 years old, but had been sharp enough to provide himself with a day's provisions, and pens, paper and postage stamps, the latter with the view of making a little statement of the result of his adventures, for the benefit of friends at home.

[[image: line drawing of hand with finger pointing to the right]] Thirty negroes arrived at Chatham, C. W., from March 16 to April 20, by the underground railroad.

[[italic]]Virginia[[/italic]].-The Washington [[italic]]Union[[/italic]] thinks the nett Democratic majority in the State, at the recent elections, is not less than 30,000.  All the Congressmen (13) are Democrats.  [Democrats!!!]

[[italic]]Not Gone Far Enough[[/italic]].-The Alabama [[italic]]Journal[[/italic]] likes the Dred Scott decision amazingly as far as it goes, but it thinks it falls short of the full requirements of the South.  It thinks there is one point to be decided, which is, to place men of foreign birth in the same status with the negroes.

[[image: line drawing of hand with finger pointing to the right]] The Quitman (Texas) [[italic]]Free Press[[/italic]] openly advocates the substitution of free for slave labor in that State.  The Galveston [[italic]]News[[/italic]] denounces it severely for its 'Abolitionism.'

[[image: line drawing of hand with finger pointing to the right]] Harper's Weekly has come out in favor of Border Ruffianism as judicialized in the Dred Scott case.

[[italic]]A Southern Rights Paper[[/italic]]:-A new weekly paper has been started in Philadelphia, called the [[italic]]Southern Monitor[[/italic]],' to be devoted to the defence of Southern rights and Southern institutions.

[[italic]]High Prices for Negroes[[/italic]].-The Lebanon (Tenn.) [[italic]]Herald[[/italic]] says :-A lot of thirty negroes were sold at public sale in Sumner county, a few days ago, at prices ranging from $750 to $1,800.  There were eight little children in the lot from two months to ten years old.  The average price of the thirty was $900.

[[italic]]Colored Masons[[/italic]].-In the city of Philadelphia, there are no less than nine Lodges of colored Masons.  There are also a number of Lodges, Encampments, and Chapters in other parts of the State.  On the 24th of June, their Masonic Hall in Philadelphia is to be dedicated, on which occasion large delegations are expected from all parts of the country.

[[image: line drawing of hand with finger pointing to the right]] A man named Peters died a few days ago at Arnheim, (Netherlands,) at the age of 112.  He was born at Leuwarden in 1745, and served in the Swiss army for some time; subsequently he entered the French service, and made the campaign in Egypt under Napoleon.  He possessed all his faculties up to the last hour.

[[image: line drawing of hand with finger pointing to the right]] 'Old Crele,' of Columbia county, Wisconsin, is, according to the note of his baptism on the church records of Montreal, 130 years old, and he distinctly remembers a period of 117 years.  He married at New Orleans a hundred years ago, and is now living with a grandchild upwards of sixty years old.  He is still hale and hearty, and does not appear to be over 70.

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To Draw Water for Themselves.

This apparatus is designed for pasture, yards, and all places where a stream of water is not accessible.  By means of a platform properly adjusted in front of the watering-trough, the weight of the animal is made to draw water from the well on approaching it to drink.  It is simple in construction, not likely to get out of order, and cannot fail to recommend itself to farmers as an important labor-saving machine, dispensing with all the trouble of pumping or drawing water by hand power.  A sheep will raise the bucket with water in proportion to his weight, taking a little more time to accomplish it.  A horse, or other heaviy animal stepping upon the platform, the bucket instantly rises and discharges its contents into the trough, and, as he steps off, drops back into the well, to be filled ready for the next comer.  By this means, animals can be left by themselves in the most distant pastures, without any care or attention on the part of the owner, other than to dig a good well; and as long as there is a supply of water in it, there can be no difficulty in the way of the animals supplying themselves.

The undersigned is the proprietor of the patent rights to this invention for Worcester County, and is prepared to dispose of individual rights on favorable terms.  Also, proprietor's grant for the sale of State, County, or Town rights.

Ashburnham, April 20, 1857.

[[short line]]

The undersigned have carefully examined the Self-Acting Farm Well, as put in operation by Mr. Alvin Ward, or Ashburnham, and cheerfully give our testimony as to its excellent adaptation to the purpose for which it is designed.  Its operation is simple, and the apparatus easily constructed, cheap and durable.  It must, we think, form a very acceptable and labor-saving addition to the conveniences of every farm-yard where running water is not easily obtained, and a valuable means of provided water in pastures where the supply is not permanent.

Fitchburg, Jan. 19, 1857.  Ap. 24.

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[[short line]]

[[italic]]Union University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee,[[/italic]]
Says: 'Notwithstanding the [[italic]]irregular[[/italic]] use of Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer, &c. [[italic]]the falling off of hair ceased, and my grey locks were restored to their original color[[/italic]].'

REV. M. THACHER (60 years of age), Pitcher, Chenango Co. N. Y. 'My hair is now restored to its natural color, and ceases to fall off.'

REV. WM. CUTTER, Ed. Mother's Magazine, N. Y. 'My hair is changed to its natural color, &c.'

REV. B. P. STONE, D. D., Concord, N. H., 'My hair which was grey, is now restored to its natural color, &c.'

REV. D. CLENDENIN, Chicago, Ill. 'I can add my testimony, and recommend it to my friends.'

REV. D. T. WOOD, Middletown, N. Y. 'My own hair has greatly thickened, also that of one of my family who was becoming bald.'

REV. R. P. TUSTIN, Charleston, S. C. 'The white hair is becoming obviated, and new hair forming, &c.'

REV. A. FRINK, Silver Creek, N. Y. 'It has produced a good effect on my hair, and I can and have recommended it.'

REV. A. BLANCHARD, Meriden, N. H. 'We think very highly of your preparations, &c.'

REV. B. C. SMITH, Prattsburgh, N. Y. 'I was surprised to find my grey hair turn as when I was young.'

REV. JOS. McKEE, Pastor of the West D. R. Church, N. Y.  REV. D. MORRIS, Cross River, N. Y.  MRS. REV H. A. PRATT, Hamden, N. Y.

[[image: line drawing of hand with finger pointing to the right]] We might swell this list, but ifnot convinced


Or World's Hair Dressing, is essential to use with the Restorer, and is the best Hair Dressing for old or young extant, being often efficacious in cases of hair falling, &c. without the Restorer.

Grey haired, Bald, or persons afflicted with diseases of the hair or scalp, read the above, and judge of 


[[italic]]It does not soil or stain.[[/italic]]  Sold by all the principal wholesale and retail merchants in the United States, Cuba, or Canada.


[[image: line drawing of hand with finger pointing to the right]] Some dealers try to sell articles instead of this, on which they make more profit.  Write to Depot for circular and information.

[[italic]]Wholesale Agents.[[/italic]]  Boston-ORLAND TOMPKINS 217 Washington Street.  Madam DEMOREST, 238 do.  BURR, FOSTER & Co.  GEO. C. GOODWIN.

March 27  6m

[[line across column]]


Is rapidly rising in favor, and a competent teacher of this art will supply a long-felt want.  Miss H. G. GUNDERSON, 16 Bradford street, offers her services in this department to Colleges, Academies, Schools, professional gentlemen, ladies, and all who wish toacquire a correct style of reading and speaking.

Miss G. has permission to refer to the following gentlemen:-

G. F. THAYER, Esq., late Principal of the Chauncy Hall School.
AMOS BAKER, Esq., Principal of Chapman Hall School.
Rev. J. W. OLMSTEAD, Editor of the Watchman and Reflector.
Rev. C. F. BARNARD, Warren St. Chapel.
Prof. H. B. HACKETT, Newton Theological Seminary.
Prof. ALVAH HOVEY, " " "
Rev. O. S. STEARNS, Newton Centre.
Rev. J. NEWTON BROWN, D. D., Philadelphia.
Rev. L. F. BEECHER, D. D., Principal of Saratoga Female Seminary.

Boston, May 1, 1857.  ly

[[line across column]]

Motorpathic Water-Cure and Hotel,

It is well know that Dr. HALSTED makes the diseases incident to Woman a specialty.  The establishment combines the advantages of being a Cure for the treatment of Chronic Diseases of either sex, and a resort for the seekers of pleasure.  Circulars sent [[italic]]gratis[[/italic]]; 'MOTION-LIFE,' a pamphlet upon the treatment, on receipt of six postage stamps.  May 15.

[[line across column]]


Having, by a long course of study and practical investigation, made herself acquainted with the various diseases incidental to the Hair and Scalp, would now inform the public of Boston and vicinity, that she trusts she is prepared to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor her with their patronage, and warrant a cure in nine cases out of ten.

Having removed from 284 to 365 Washington street, where she has a superior suite of rooms, she now advertises a [[italic]]separate room[[/italic]] for Hair Dying, also an improvement in that branch, and Champooing.

Madame C. keeps constantly on hand, her celebrated Hair Restorative and Oils, which not only prevent the hair from falling off, but cause new hair to grow; they are held in the highest estimation by all who have used them.

Madame C's references are from the first people in this and the neighboring cities, by whom she has been liberally patronized since the offer of her services to the public.

April 7.

[[line across column]]


D. MANN, M. D., Surgeon Dentist, formerly MANN & MELBOURNE, Summer Street, resides at 13 Avery Street, and attends to those who wish for his services.

[[image: line drawing of hand with finger pointing to the right]] For the convenience of invalids and others, who may not conveniently visit a Dentist's Office, Dr. Mann will attend at the residence of those who desire it.

[[line across column]]


It is a fact, that the richest and most influential men in this or any other age began their career with only very small means.  H. E. GRAVES, of Ashland, Mass., is desirous of employing an agent in every county of the Union, to engage in a business highly honorable and very profitable, where only $5 capital is required.  For particulars, enclose a stamp, and address as above.

June 12.  3m

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