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^[[sent to Miss Maxine Harrison -Parke Bernet  Nov-15 '48-]]

[[underlined]]SOUTH AMERICA[[/underlined]]

^[[List also used by Georges Seligmann in writing about auction of C.S. Wadsworth Trust - Dec 11, 1948 at Parke-Bernet-]]

[[underline]]ARGENTINA [[/underline]] 
[[underline]]BUENOS AIRES: [[/underline]] 
BORN, Mr. Jorge, 25 de Mayo, 501 
DI TELLA, Mr. and Mrs. - Avenue de Mayo 1302 
DOSSE, Mr. Pepo, Jockey Club. 
HIRSCH, Mr. Alfredo, Conde 2084 
BULLRICH, Mr. Rafael A. - c/o Muso Nacional de Bellas Artes, Avenida Alvear, 2273 [[strikethrough]](He is President of Museum)[[/strikethrough]] 
PEREDA, Mr. Jorge, - Arroyo 1142. 
SAAVEDRA, Mr. Luis Maria Carreras, - Callo 1692. 
SANTAMARINA, Senator Antonia, - c/o National Commission of Fine Arts
^[[G.S. wrote]] ELLINGER, M. & Mme. Enrique - Director Delgado - Cie Sudamericana de Industria y Comercio S.A. "Insud" - 25 de Mayo 460. 

[[underline]]BRAZIL [[/underline]] 
[[underline]]RIO DI JANEIRO: [[/underline]] 
[[strikethrough]]PARQUMAR, Mr. and Mrs. Percival[[/strikethrough]] 
PINHEIRO, Mr. Arthru de Lacerda, - Presidente de Sudeletro S.A. Rio Branco 85-70 

[[underline]]BOLIVIA [[/underline]] 
[[underline]]LA PAZ [[/underline]] 

[[underline]]COLUMBIA [[/underline]] 
[[underline]]BOGOTA [[/underline]] 
LANZETTE, Dr. Alejandro - Cra. 14 A - No. 46 ll 

[[underline]]VENEZUELA [[/underline]] 
[[underline]]CARACAS [[/underline]] 
PIETRI, Dr. Alejandro - Apartado 266.