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May 22, 1939

Dear Germain:

Your letter of April 29th has remained unanswered, as I have been a little uncertain of my plans. It appears now that I shall return to New York at the end of the second week of June, and after a few days spent admiring the World of Tomorrow-and let's hope it will be a pleasanter one!- and after having dined with my good friend Germain Seligmann, and after having given all the consideration I can to the Mackay collection, I shall set Rozinante to the road again and head for Kansas City, where I am to be the house-guest of the Vincents for some days, before treking to Oklahoma and the Golden West.

Now that the "great old master" has been cleared successfully out of the way, I can tell you quite definitely that the Bellini will be brought onto the tapis in the most final way during my visit to K.C.; and I am hoping that the purchase will be decided then and there, for we are now accumulating. I can assure you in the most categorical way that no other picture is to be considered and that all our hearts- including J.C.'s- are now set on the Bellini. Do, please, send the photograph to Paul.

We will go over the Mackay things at leisure. Is the Mino Saint Catherine still available? What sculptures and paintings are left?

Let me know if you come this way during the next fortnight; and plan to lunch or dine with me if you do.

Ever sincerely,

[[signed]] Harold [[/signed]]