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61-63 East 57th Street
New York, N.Y.

ELdorado 5-0151
Cable: Schaeffart

October 27, 1939

Mr. Germain Seligmann
c/o Jacques Seligmann & Company
3 East 51st Street
New York, New York

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

After careful consideration of the photograph of the beautiful Picasso "Boy's Head" I decided not to show it to my client because I have just learned that he is most interested in acquiring a "Still Life". 

I am therefore returning the photograph to you because I feel that it is wiser and fairer not to offer your painting with the knowledge that it will not appeal.

Thanking you for your cooperation and with kind regards, I remain

Very sincerely yours,
[[signature]] H. Schaeffer [[/signatue]]
H. Schaeffer

[[preprinted]] AMERICAN AGENTS OF MESSRS. D. KATZ, DIEREN (HOLLAND) [[/preprinted]]