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61-63 East 57th Street
New York, N.Y.

ELdorado 5-0151
Cable: Shaeffart

January 31, 1940

Mr. Robert Levy
c/o Jacques Seligmann & Company
New York, New York

Dear Mr. Levy:

In accordance with our conversation yesterday, I am pleased to enclose photographs and prices of the following paintings: 

De Hoogh | Family Scene | $23,000.00 | ^[[- 25-35]]
Ochtervelt | Engagement | 6,000.00 | ^[[- 10-12]]
De Witte | Large Church Interior | 4,500.00 | ^[[- 8]]
De Witte | Small Church Interior | 4,500.00 | ^[[- 7]]
Dou | Interior | 6,600.00 | ^[[- 8-10]]

The Terborch "Interior" at $20,000.00 ^[[- 25]] and the Breckelenkamp "Lake Maker" at $[[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]]^[[2]],500.00 ^[[- 3,000.-3,500]] photographs will follow very shortly. 

In the meantime, I remain, with kind personal regards, 

Very sincerely yours,

[[signature]] H. Schaeffer [[/signature]]
H. Schaeffer

[[preprinted]] AMERICAN AGENTS OF MESSRS. D. KATZ, DIEREN (HOLLAND) [[/preprinted]]