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(To be filled out in accordance with the instructions given in P. C. B. Forms Nos. 15 and 16)

Bureau No. .................
Sheet No. ..................

[[box]] Space reserved for the use of the Board [[/box]]

1. .....................(Surname)
......................(Given name)

2. Department .............................
3. Bureau .................................
4. Field Service ..........................
5. (a) Field station.......................
   (b) Subdivision.........................
   (c) City or town........... State.......

6. Pay roll title .........................
7. Customary office title .................
8. Present administrative allocation ................................
9. Present gross rate of pay... $..........
10. Deduction for allowances.. $...........
11. Net rate paid in cash..... $...........
12. Indicate by an "X" in the proper box or boxes the kind of allowances, if any, received by the employee:

House    Room  {   Furnished    Unfurnished
Subsistence or rations in kind
Meals per day:   1     2     3

13. Describe any other allowances, privilege, or perquisite of value....................... .............
14. If any special equipment or a bond is required by law or regulation to be furnished at the employee's expense, state kind and annual cost......................
15. (a) Regular hours of work: From ^[[9 a]] m. to ^[[4:30 P]] m. (b) How many hours per week excluding unusual or irregular overtime work? 
Summer ^[[39]]  Winter ^[[42]] (c) If not a full time and all-the-year-round position, state number of hours per day..........;
number of days per {week month year}.......
(d) If certain hours of availability for duty, outside of regular working hours, are required, state hours and type of such duty ......................................
16. (a) Rate of pay for overtime...........
(b) Amount of overtime pay in last 12 months..............
17. (a) Does the employee in any way direct or supervise other employees? ^[[No]]  (b) If so, in what way? (See Form 16 before answering)..................................................................................................................................................................(c) How many? .............................

18. If the employee supervises other persons through immediate contact, give the name and the sheet numbers of such persons. (For such of these as may not be covered by questionnaires, give number and kinds by occupations.) If the employee exercises supervision through section or division heads, give the title of such sections or divisions and the names and sheet numbers of their heads. 

19. (a) Is the employee in any way directed, supervised, or instructed, or his work reviewed? ^[[Yes]]  (b) If so, in what way? (See Form 16 before answering.).................................................................................................................................................................
20. What is the name, official position, and sheet number of the employee's immediate superior? ^[[Dr. W. B. Bell, in charge of Biological investigations]]
21. Employee's education: Strike an "X" over the number representing the highest grade or year completed in each type of school:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8^[[X]]
1 2^[[X]] 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4^[[X]]
Postgraduate or professional
1 2 3 4  (Kind)................

Other education (describe): ^[[Personal studies, reading and investigations]]

22. What length and kind of experience or other training did the employee possess upon original entrance into this position which was most qualifying or pertinent?
^[[On entering the Biological survey in 1887 I had a good working knowledge of the birds and mammals of my own state, Minnesota, and a fair knowledge of botany which was important in a study of food habits of animals and this knowledge has been steadily increasing for over forty years.]]