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23. TO THE EMPLOYEE: Describe in detail the work you do. Put each distinct duty, task, or process in a separate paragraph. Explain first those that require most of your time. Explain occasional duties last. In the column at the left opposite each paragraph enter the approximate percentage of your time devoted to the work described in that paragraph. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO COMPOSE THIS STATEMENT WITHOUT FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS OF P. C. B. FORM NO. 15.

Percentage of working time

24. I hereby certify that the foregoing was composed by me after reading P. C. B. Form 15, and that it is a true statement of my duties. 
^[[Vernon Bailey]]
(Signature of Employee)
25. TO THE PREPARING OFFICER: Write your own description of the employee's work. If in describing the work of the position you would cover the same subject matter and use the same language and expressions, indicate your concurrence in the employee's statement and utilize the rest of the space below by giving further and broader information regarding the position, such as the kind and degree of responsibility involved, the ultimate purpose of the work, its place in your organisation, its working conditions, etc. If more space is needed, attach a separate sheet. See instructions in Form No. 16.

26. How long have the employee's duties been substantially as described above? ....................................
27. I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements made by me on both sides of this sheet are accurate and complete.

............., 1928 (Date)
........................... (Signature of Preparing Officer)
.................... (Title)
28. I hereby certify that I have read all of the foregoing and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements made on both sides of this sheet are accurate and complete, except as indicated in attached memorandum, marked ............
In my judgement the compensation of this position should be in a range from $............. to $.............

..............., 1928 (Date)
................................... (Signature of head of field office or station)
................... (Title)
29. I hereby certify that I have read all of the foregoing and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements made on both sides of this sheet are accurate and complete, except as indicated in attached memorandum, marked ............
In my judgment the compensation of this position should be in a range from $............., to $.............

..............., 1928 (Date)
.......................................... (Signature of head of bureau or his representative)
................. (Title)
