Viewing page 15 of 75

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[[preprinted]] 30 [[/preprinted]]

June 9, 1911

Abetti's List

I13736 | I19401

[[symbol - checkmark]] +53° 2303 | [[symbol - checkmark]] +53[[symbol - degrees]] 2303
a | Probably B5

[[symbol - checkmark]] +52° 2547

[[symbol - checkmark]] +51° 2703 | [[symbol - checkmark]] +51^[[symbol - degrees]] 2703
a | Probably B8

[[symbol - checkmark]] +51° 2734

[[symbol - checkmark]] +53° 2344
K? Too faint

[[symbol - checkmark]] +52° 2657 | [[symbol - checkmark]] +52° 2657
G?[[symbol] | F5

[[symbol - checkmark]] +5[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]] 3° 2374 | +53° 2374
B5 | a

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 31 [[/preprinted]]

June 9, 1911

Abetti's List

[[blank]] | [[symbol - checkmark]]I22792
[[symbol - checkmark]] +51° 2703 |  +35° 2196
B8 | K very poor

[[symbol - checkmark]] +53° 2303 |  [[symbol - checkmark]] +34° 2188
B8? Focus too poor | K? Too near edge

[[symbol - checkmark]] +52° 2657 |  [[symbol - checkmark]]I22832
 F5 | +34° 2188
[[blank]] | K

[[symbol - checkmark]] +53° 2374 |  [[blank]]
A Somewhat peculiar | [[blank]]
Too poor to be certain | [[symbol - checkmark]]I36016
I361[[strikethrough]]9[[/strikethrough]]19 | K
[[blank]] | [[symbol - checkmark]] +33° 2039 
[[symbol - checkmark]] +53° 2344 | G 
K | [[blank]]
[[blank]] | [[symbol - checkmark]] +34° 2188
I22792 | G5

[[symbol - checkmark]] +34° 2158 | [[symbol - checkmark]] +3[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]] 5° 2196
K | K

[[symbol - checkmark]] +33° 2039 | [[blank]] 
G5 | [[blank]]