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[[preprinted]] 44 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] June 16, 1911 [[/underlined]]

Russell's list

I 24133
+39° 918
2nd Type 

B 2688

Too near edge

I 31430
Too poor 

I 24534

I 25190
+80° 487

{ I 31621
+7° 3125
K  in I 36709, this sp. appears to be peculiar
{ I 34013
+7° 3125
Poor, K

+16° 579
F5 on I 32858
F5 on I 33857
" " [[ditto for F5 on]] I 33491

+14° 690
F [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 8 on I 32858
F5 " [[ditto for on I]] 33857
F8 ' [[ditto for on]] I 33491

I 34463
+43° 2639

+56° 2783
marked on chart pl. I 4660
I 36124, sp. n.s.
I 36723 Too ft.
I 13695, very ft.  K?

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 45 [[/preprinted]]

June 16, 1911

Franck's list
Additional plates of some objects

H.R. 1747       H.R. 3202
B 1750          B 8827
F5 good         F5

H.R. 2186
B 8904
F2 (G band very ft.)
Not F5, really nearer F0 on this plate

[[strikethrough]] B 2 [[/strikethrough]]
H.R. 4510
B 21368
K0 (good)
Best plate of this star.

H.R. 2699           H.R. 4746
B 8909              B 24750
B3  05              F2
Lines narrow

H.R. 3004           H.R. 4937
B 8911              B 2464
B3 (good)           F

H.R. 4995           H.R. 4957
B 10823             B 10055
G5                  G5