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June 16, 1911

Franck's list

H.R. 5120          H.R. 8245
B 5201             B 10108
A3                 F2

H.R. 5250          H.R. 8285
B 5201             B 11102
B8?  very dense    K0

H.R. 5257
B 5201

H.R. 5503            H.R. 7748
B 6224               B 8385
K                    G5

H.R. 7431
B 10433

B 10843

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[[underlined]] July 21, 1911 [[/underlined]]

Spectra looking up for Hertzsprung. See letter of July 8, 1911

B 3660  18 2.6 -36 41
B2 lines indistinct not very narrow
H beta not well seen.

B 4980  12 7.1 62 23  Lines narrow
Helium lines too indistinct to classify for a certainty. H epsilon and K quite narrow.

B 5879  10 8.3 -57 34  Too poor

B 3637  16 47.0 -41 50

B 8825  8 7.3 -36 59

I 9658  18 46.4 +33 15 This ^[is] beta Lyrae

I 16470  6 10.8 +23 46 Some division of B

Hydrogen lines and 4026 are narrow. can not tell division exactly.
May be B8
Have photographed with 11 [[??]]