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August 12, 1911 (cont.)

H.R. 4009
B 5879 Focus too poor. Too near edge. 1st Type
B 41147 Hyd. lines very narrow. Helium lines suspected but not clearly seen.
May be B8
B 38749  Too dense

H.R. 4644 [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 
B 13762 Hyd. lines narrow. Other lines seen
B 4980 Out of focus at red end. Lines narrow at violet end.
K line very sharp.  Probably resembles beta Orionis

H.R. 6772
B 3660
Probably B3. Lines indistinct and hazy and show very little contrast to continuous spectrum.

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October 1, 1911

Kapteyn's list of Proper Motion Stars

-51° 95
B 14881

-35° 170
B 15112

+1° 131
B 14673
B 14206

-23° 315
[[strikethrough]] B 12401 [[/strikethrough]] definition too poor
[[strikethrough]] B 12238 [[/strikethrough]] definition too poor
B 41995

-31° 325
B 23840