Viewing page 30 of 75

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[[preprinted]] 60 [[/preprinted

October 1, 1911

+22° 176
I 26637 very poor image

+60° 170
I 32397
[[strikethrough]] too poor [[/strikethrough]] 
F5 Class confirmed on I 16891

-1° 167
B 23789

-9° 256
B 10390
G [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] Image faint. May be F5. Several other plates looked up but not so good.

+17° 197
I 19800  F
Too dense

I 19384
Also on I 25842

+20° 226
I 21972
G  Image poor

I 21707 Too poor
[[end page]]

[[new page]]
[[preprinted]] 61 [[/preprinted]]
October 1, 1911

+27° 262
I 26270 Too poor
I 36502

I 5305  +66° 145
G0 (good)

B 14432 -18° 287

-1° 293
B 10383

+67° 191
I 31330
G  Poor image and no other plates covering

+23° 303
I 19822
Too poor

I 16948 Long disp.
G0 (good)