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[[preprinted]] 94 [[/preprinted]]
[[underline]] January 30, 1912 [[/underline]]

+43° 53  Bm4 Andromedae
Looked up for Backhouse, who thinks it is surely variable. See letter of Jan. 3, 1912.

Marked on I 31197
Sp. on I 32283. M? Certainly not Class N. See my book 32, p. 7.

I find no variation in this star on the following plates.
I 31197, AC 638, 4596, 5153, 5215, 5132, 5787, 5713, 5655, 5624, 5487, 5436, [[strikethrough]] 5215 [[/strikethrough]] 12645, 11090

Miss Leland has examined these plates and made the following statement.
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