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Sept. 15, 1911

+58° 501 2 32.3
Marked on I 33435. Sp. cont.
no lines seen

I 33574, Sp. K? very poor but I feel pretty sure of the class. I 33365, I 34269 also looked at.

+57° 647 2 43.6 +57 on same plate as above.
Class K? but more uncertain than +58° 501.
Is this really var.?

+47° 783   3 6.7
Identified on I 28151
Sp. on I 19656 [[strikethrough]] Ma [[/strikethrough]] very faint, 0,6,10
I think it surely appears to be Class N.
Conf. by Professor Pickering.

+51° 762 3^[[h]] 34.1^[[m]]

I 23485
F5 or G

I 24534


Sept. 15, 1911

+50° 961
Nothing seen on I 23485, I 24536

4 32.6 +41 23
I 31003 [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]]
Not seen. Sp. ,eas. is not Type N.

-15° 915  4^[[h]] 55.0
R Leporis
No sp. seen on B 12753, B 39704, B 24605, B 12628
Ask Miss Wells if she has this sp.

+68° 398   5 30.2
I 16486 (2,8,10)  Very poor, but light seems farther towards blue than ordinary v,8,10 star.

+24° 898   5 32 +24
I 19792  Ma?

I 20041
Mc  (best plate)
Marked on chart pl. I 34389.