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[[underline]] Monday, Mch. 24, 1912 [[/underline]]


Description of the changes in spectrum of Nova Gem., No. 2

[[2 column table]]
JD 19475 March 13 | F5
JD 19476 March 14 | Bright lines to red of hydrogen and K.
JD 19477 | March 15 | Very poor. H beta brighter than other hyd.
JD 19478 March 16 | Typical nova. Differs from Nova Persei in having K very bright.

JD 19479 March 17 | I 37660. Little or no change from March 16
JD 19480 March 18 | Bright hydrogen split into two positions
JD 19481 March 19 | No plate?
JD 19482 March 20 | I 37671 very poor. H gamma appears brightest.
JD 19483 March 21 | no plate
JD 19484 March 22 | Bright calcium zone. Dark band K appears as a narrow line.


March 24, 1912

Nova Gem. No.2
JD 19484 March 22 (cont) The bright hydrogen lines have strong dark bands on edge of shorter lambda.