Viewing page 7 of 110

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12 [[pg #]]

Thursday, June 6, 1912
B24103 short disp.

[[4 column table]]

           | No. | Int. | Class | Remark |
           | 136 |  3   |  K0   |        |
           | 137 |  2   |  A3   |        |
           | 138 |  5   |  A5   |        |
           | 139 |  2   |  F5   |        |
           | 140 |  5   |  G5   |        |
           | 141 |  6   |  F5   |        |
           | 142 |  2   |  G    |        |
           | 143 |  2   |  G5   |        |
           | 144 |  2   |  K0   |        |
           | 145 |  2   |  G5   |        |
           | 146 |  8   |  F5   |        |
           | 147 |  6   |  K0   |        |
           | 148 |  6   |  F    | E.     |
           | 149 |  8   |  Ma   |        |
           | 150 |  2   |  K2   |        |
           | 151 |  4   |  G5   |        |
           | 152 |  5   |  G0   |        |
           | 153 |  2   |  F0   |        |
Time: 11:50| 154 |  2   |  F5   |        |
           | 155 |  3   |  K5   |        |

13 [[pg #]]

[[9 column table, no headers]]

|136|-4°|537|3| 3.1|-4|37.1|8.5|^✓|
|137|-4°|536|3| 2.8|-4| 6.0|9.4|^✓|
|138|-3°|502|3| 2.2|-3|47.4|8.6|^✓|
|139|-3°|509|3| 4.1|-3|34.9|8.9|^✓|
|140|-4°|531|3| 1.5|-4|14.9|8.7|^✓|
|141|-4°|529|3| 1.2|-4| 8.7|8.3|^✓|
|150|-4°|519|2|55.8|-4| 2.5|9.0|^✓|
|154|-2°|545|2|57.5|-2| 2.1|9.3|^✓|

[[right margin, note scribbled vertically]]

[[right margin]] -1° 539 2 57.4 -1° 58.3 magn. 9.3 superposed on Nos. 153 & 154

Identified by AME. June 20, 1912
Checked July 23 1912 LDW.

|155|-4 |520|2|57.0|-4| 54 |8.0|53| m J38073